Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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[PDF] Analysis Table 1 Department of Corrections Capital Outlay

Analysis Table 1 Department of Corrections Capital Outlay 1981-82 Funding by Item and Source Section Item Souice A 524-301-001 General Fund (unsecured tax roll) ............................................. .

[PDF] Open space subventions provide replacement revenues to cities

Open space subventions provide replacement revenues to cities and counties to compensate for reduced property tax revenues on open space and agricultural land. The Secretary of the Resources Agency, through the Department of Conserva- tion, administers subventions to cities and counties.

[PDF] The proposed sites for these new camps are (1) on the eastern

The proposed sites for these new camps are (1) on the eastern side of Pacheco Pass, Merced County on property owned by the Department of Parks and Recreation, (2) on the grounds of the Correc- tional Training Facility at Soledad, and (3) an unknown site in Ventura County.

[PDF] State compensation to cities and counties is

State compensation to cities and counties is based on the type of land under contract, rather than on the actual property tax loss. Compensation ranges from $8.00 per acre for certain urban prime land to $0040 per acre for non prime land.

[PDF] 1983-84 Budget Analysis: Corrections

Los Angeles County pw 5/87 6,300 0 1,500 Beds, LevellII-200 Beds, LevelL ... ; ....... Riverside County pw 4/87 6,300 0 500 Beds, LevellII Relocatable Prison ................ Unidentified Site ce 11/85 21,200 0 Northern California Women's Facility-400 Beds San Joaquin Co. pw 5/86 2,000 0 Totals

[PDF] 1984-85 Budget Analysis: Miscellaneous

The Secretary of State estimates that counties will incur costs of approximately $955,000 during the budget year under this program, and that funding will have to be provided either through the budget or in the deficiency bill.

[PDF] 1984-85 Budget Analysis: Control Sections

The 48th District conducts an annual livestock show at the Los Angeles County Fairgrounds in Pomona. Section 19.22 of the 1982 Budget Act transferred to the General Fund the proceeds from the sale of District 48 property.

[PDF] 1985-86 Budget Analysis: Legislative

Under this authority, the Legislature enacts laws, makes appropriations, and levies taxes. The Legislature consists of a Senate with 40 members who are elected for four-year terms, and an Assembly with 80 members who are elected for two-year terms.

[PDF] 1985-86 Budget Analysis: Judicial

Orange County Remodel. The budget includes $1,502,000 to modify space in the old Orange County Courthouse in Santa Ana to accommodate the Third Division of the Fourth Appellate District. The Budget Act of I Item 0390 JUDICIAL / 21 1984 appropriated $146,000 for preliminary plans and working drawings for this project. . ....