Results for 서울시 tax

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[PDF] Use of revenues from state sales tax on gasoline and the sale and lease of motor vehicles for transportation purposes

Fiscal Effect The measure would transfer certain state sales tax revenues from the General Fund to transportation-related purposes in two phases. Beginning in 2002-03, the measure would redirect the state sales tax revenues from the sale and lease of motor vehicles to transportation.

[PDF] California Evans Child Protection Act

The alcohol beverage tax is estimated to raise Hon. Bill Lockyer 2 August 24, 2001 $290 million in 2001-02. In addition, the sales tax is levied on the sale of alcoholic bever- ages. The excise tax is included in the tax base on which the sales tax is calculated.

[PDF] Use of sales tax revenues derived from the lease and sale of new passenger vehicles for transportation purposes

Use of sales tax revenues derived from the lease and sale of new passenger vehicles for transportation purposes SENATE ASSEMBLY DICK ACKERMAN ROY ASHBURN DEDE ALPERT PATRICIA C. BATES JIM BATTIN JACKIE GOLDBERG K.

2001 Initiative Analysis: Local Revenue Accountability Act (Option 1)

Specifically, the state would be required to provide reimbursement to scho ols, cities, counties, and special districts if the Legislature enacted a law or any state agency passed a regulation that:   R educed the amount of resources a local government received from local revenues (taxes, assessments, or fees).

[PDF] People’s Gaming Act

Bill Lockyer 3 December 19, 2001 In addition, surrounding local governments could receive increased revenues from taxes relating to secondary economic activity in their areas resulting from the gaming operations.

[PDF] Local Revenue Accountability Act (Option 1)

For example, over the last two decades the state has shifted the allocation of property taxes and vehicle license fees among local governments, reduced taxation on certain sales transactions Hon. Bill Lockyer 3 January 3, 2002 and vehicle ownership, and transferred part of the financial obligation for trial courts and welfare programs from counties to the state.

[PDF] California Workers’ Livable Wage Initiative, Amendment No. 1-NS

Second, the increased product prices for goods produced by minimum wage workers could leave consumers with less income available to spend on other goods, thereby reducing sales taxes from them. Third, the probable reduction in overall economic activity discussed above would lower collections from a variety of tax sources.

[PDF] Jarvis-Simon Homeowners and Renters Relief Act: Version 1

Since the average statewide property tax rate is 1.067 percent of assessed value, the exemption reduces the typical homeowner's taxes by about $75 annually. Over 5 million homeowners currently claim the exemption.

2002 Initiative Analysis: Jarvis-Simon Homeowners and Renters Relief Act: Version 2

Since the average statewide property tax rate is 1.067  percent of assessed value, the exemption reduces the typical homeowner's taxes by about $75 annually. Over 5  million homeowners currently claim the exemption.

2002 Initiative Analysis: Jarvis-Simon Homeowners and Renters Tax Relief Act

2002 Initiative Analysis: Jarvis-Simon Homeowners and Renters Tax Relief Act August 13, 2002 Dear Attorney General Lockyer: Pursuant to Elections Code Section 9005, we have reviewed the proposed initiative cited as the “California Clemency Board” (File No.