Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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[PDF] Chapter 1243, Statutes of 1987 (SB 1410, Bergeson), added San

Chapter 1243, Statutes of 1987 (SB 1410, Bergeson), added San Diego and Imperial Counties to the SCEPP area and Ch 1056/89 (AB 725, Hansen) extended the sunset date for SCEPP and BAYREP to June 1995.

[PDF] Instead, OREDS depends on the contractor to comply or expects

Instead, OREDS depends on the contractor to comply or expects workers to lodge a complaint. . '. Although statistics on the number of complaints on build-to-suit projects are unavailable, the recent case of a California Highway Patrol office in Susanville provides an example of the problem.

[PDF] The requested amount, however, is based on prelimi- nary

The requested amount, however, is based on prelimi- nary estimates by the Department of Finance of the amount of revenue from disallowed tax deductions that was collected in 1988-89. The Franchise Tax Board now reports that actual 1988-89 collections totaled $346,000.

[PDF] Teale Data Center, 309 STRF,l86 STRS,l84 Administration, 186

Teale Data Center, 309 STRF,l86 STRS,l84 Administration, 186 Purchasing Power Protection, 187 Student Aid Commission, 1047 Subsequent Injuries, Workers' Compensation Benefits for, 1108 Substandard Housing Tax Relief, 1183 Summary of Capital Outlay, 1201 Superior Court, Salaries of Judges, 26 Supreme Court, 20 Tahoe Conservancy, California, 319 Capital Outlay, 1227 Tahoe Regional

[PDF] The 1990-91 Budget: Perspectives and Issues

Population Growth 94 5 Department of Finance Economic Outlook for California and the Nation, 1989 through 1991 95 6 Trends in Key National Economic Variables 96 7 Trends in Inflation 98 8 Annual Growth in California Personal Income 98 9 Trends in California's Employment and Unemployment 99 10 New Vehicle Registrations in California 100 11 California Residential Building PerIllits 100 12

[PDF] The 1990-91 Budget: Perspectives and Issues

Shifting Costs to Counties (-$157 million). The budget includes two proposals which will, at least in part, result in a shift ofprogram costs to county governments. These include aproposed reduction of $150 million in the AB 8 county health services 14/ Part I: State Fiscal Picture program (which would require legislation) and a shift of state costs for property taxpragrams to local funding sources.

[PDF] The 1990-91 Budget: Perspectives and Issues

In addition, the estiroa,ted costs of serving each client have increased substantially, based on counties' actual experiences. The budget proposesto scale back the number ofnew casesthat counties willbe allowedto serve in 1990·91, for a.

[PDF] None , .... 1~1-92 FUNDING BY ITEM AND SOURCE Itern-l)escription

None , .... 1~1-92 FUNDING BY ITEM AND SOURCE Itern-l)escription 0840-001-OO1-Support 0840-001-061-Support .084O-Q01-062-Support . 0840-001-344---Support 0840-001-739-0-Support ' 0840-001-890-Support 0840-001-~upport 0840-001-988-Support Reimbursements Total Fund GeneraJ Motor Vehicle Fuel Account; Transportation Tax Highway Users' Tax Account .

[PDF] Under the realignment proposals, the primary programmatic and

Under the realignment proposals, the primary programmatic and funding responsibility for local mental health and public health services would be shifted to counties. This may require an adjustment to the appropriations limits of the state and counties to reflect a"transfer, of financial responsibility."

[PDF] Community Health, 549 Toxic Substances Control, 587 Site

Community Health, 549 Toxic Substances Control, 587 Site Mitigation, 595 Higher Educatiqn (See: Education, Higher) Highway Patrol, Department of the California, 305 Capital Outlay, 1226 Home Purchase Assistapce Program, 182 Homeowners' Property TaX Relief, 1180 Horiiicide Trials, Payments to Counties for Costs of, 1085 Horse Racing Board;' CalifOrnia, 1122