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[PDF] The 1991-92 Budget: Perspctives and Issues

For example, the Governor's Budget proposes to shift to the counties the existing state responsibilities for funding local mental health and public health programs. To cover these increased county costs, the budget also proposes to increase state vehicle license fees and allocate the revenue to the counties.

[PDF] The 1993-94 State Budget: Perspectives and Issues

Shift property tax allocations from schools to cities and counties to offset net state-local cost shifts. Eliminate Counter-Productive Fiscal Incentives Transfer 1 percent local sales and use tax to state level, offset with increased property tax allocations.

[PDF] The 2010-11 Budget: Health and Social Services Budget Primer

Specifically: ➢ The MHSA, passed by voters in 2004, imposes a 1 percent income tax on personal incomes in excess of $1 million to support the expansion of community mental health services. Most MHSA services are provided by the counties, although some MHSA activities are coor‑ dinated by DMH at the statewide level.

[PDF] The 2011-12 Budget: To Defer or Not Defer? An Analysis of the Effects of K-12 Payment Deferrals

State law requires school districts to submit their locally approved budgets to their county offices of education for fiscal review by July 1. As a result, school districts often finalize their local budgets before the state has adopted its budget.

[PDF] The 2012-13 Budget: Proposition 98 Maintenance Factor: An Analysis of the Governor’s Treatment

These rebenchings lower or raise the General Fund obligation in response to shifts of local property taxes or programs to or from schools.) 2 Prior‑year funding level for schools and community colleges adjusted by change in California per capita personal income and K‑12 average daily attendance (ADA).

[PDF] The 2012-13 Budget: Proposition 98 Education Analysis

For example, while the mandate requiring school districts to perform physical performance tests on students in certain grades may be related to the important goal of improving students’ physical activity, these tests do not supplement state physical Figure 8 Governor’s Mandate Proposal Mandates Eliminated Active Suspended Absentee Ballotsa Grand Jury Proceedingsa Agency Fee Arrangementsa Health

[PDF] The 2012-13 Budget: Analysis of the Governor’s Higher Education Proposal

This is a common occurrence in CCC’s budget, as growth in local property taxes can offset General Fund costs. (Conversely, reductions in local property taxes can be backfilled with General Fund augmentations.)

[PDF] The 2013-14 Budget: Governor’s Criminal Justice Proposals

Courts (or sometimes counties on behalf of courts) may choose to utilize the state’s Tax Intercept Program, operated by the Franchise Tax Board (FTB) with participation by the State Controller’s Office (SCO), to intercept tax refunds, lottery winnings, and unclaimed property from individuals who are delinquent in paying fines, fees, assessments, surcharges, or restitution ordered by the court.

[PDF] The 2013-14 Budget: Restructuring the K-12 Funding System

Not part of core K‑12 mission. 5 Total $5,685 a Some county offices of education receive a small share of these funds. b Includes local property tax revenue. LEAs = local educational agencies. 2013-14 B u d g e t Legislative Analyst’s Office 9 districts receive funding through the Economic Impact Aid (EIA) program to provide supplemental services for students who are EL and from LI families.

[PDF] 1992-93 Budget Analysis: Introduction

VIII-15 Payment to Counties for Costs of Homicide Trials .....•.... VIII-16 ,Economie Development, Commission for ................. VIII-17 California Arts Council . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... ...