Results for 서울시 tax

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2004 Initiative Analysis: Workers' Compensation Reform and Accountability Act

Workers' compensation savings would improve business profitability, thereby increasing in come tax revenues. Partially offsetting this gain would be a reduction in the gross premiums tax paid by insurance companies.

2004 Initiative Analysis: California Home Rule Amendment

Restricts the authority of any local government to impose a sales and use tax, or changes the method of distributing sales and use tax revenues.   Appropriates, reallocates, suspends, or delays revenues from taxes imposed by local governments, including but not limited to the business license tax, transient occupa ncy tax, and utility users tax.

2004 Initiative Analysis: Thomas Lomax Taxpayers Act

As a result, the money paid for child support is only taxable when first earned by the noncustodial parent, and thus is not double-taxed. Tax-Related Impacts of the Initiative. The initiative specifies that court-ordered child support payments are deductible from income by the payor for tax purposes.

[PDF] California Marriage Protection Act (version 2)

(The law affects matters such as the receipt of federal benefits and federal taxes.) State Laws. The State Constitution currently does not define marriage. Under cur- rent California statute, only marriage between a man and a woman is valid and recog- nized.

[PDF] The repayment of these bonds is guaranteed by the

The repayment of these bonds is guaranteed by the state’s general taxing power. The state repays general obligation bonds from the General Fund, the state’s main operating account. (For more information on the state’s use of bonds, see “An Overview of State Bond Debt” later in this guide.)

[PDF] Housing and Homelessness

State Low Income Housing Tax Credit 50.0 — The state Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) funds low-income affordable housing by providing supplemental funding to projects that have already received a federal LIHTC.

[PDF] Governor's Realignment Plan—Criminal Justice

.  Specifi cally, the Governor’s plan would raise $5.9 billion in taxes to fund the shift of a like amount to counties to implement increased program responsibilities. In the area of criminal justice, these programs include:  Court security.  Various public safety grant programs.  Jurisdiction of lower-level adult offenders.  Jurisdiction of parole violators.  Jurisdiction of remaining juvenile offenders.

[PDF] Governor’s Proposed Realignment of Fire and Emergency Response Activities

If this budget option is pursued, we would recom- mend that the assessment be designed so it falls reasonably outside of Proposition 26’s defi nition of a tax.  Options to Reduce CalFire’s Level of Expenditures.

[PDF] Major Issues Facing the Unemployment Insurance Program

For each year that the state carries a federal loan balance, federal UI taxes on employers increase, with the proceeds from the increased taxes used to pay down the principal of the loans. The state must make annual interest payments on the loans, using General Fund monies.

[PDF] California's Enterprise Zone Programs

The number of employees claimed to be employed on tax returns grew from 24,190 to 140,833 between 1999 and 2010. In 2010, over 54,000 were claimed as “new” employees.  In 2010, the hiring and sales tax credits resulted in $698 million of reduced corporation and personal income tax revenues for the state.