Results for 서울시 tax

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LAO Publications

The plan also creates a new state earned income tax credit to increase the after-tax income of low-income workers. Format:

LAO Publications

The plan also creates a new state earned income tax credit to increase the after-tax income of low-income workers. Format:

State of California Revenues, 1950-51 to 2010-11

Because of this and other changes over the years (such as changes in the timing of tax payments and tax rates, among others), this data may not provide sufficient information to evaluate trends in state revenues.

[PDF] Comments on the Administration’s Spending Limit Proposal

For example, the current exemptions for transportation funding and certain tobacco tax-supported expenditures would remain. Thus, spending in these areas would not be directly affected by the measure.

[PDF] California's Fiscal Outlook: LAO Projections 2002-03 Through 2007-08

The great majority of General Fund revenues, though, is attributable to the state’s three major taxes—the personal income tax (PIT), the sales and use tax (SUT), and the corporation tax (CT). In addition, however, actions taken in conjunction with the adoption of the 2002-03 budget have also resulted in a variety of significant

[PDF] Major Issues Facing the Unemployment Insurance Program

For each year that the state carries a federal loan balance, federal UI taxes on employers increase, with the proceeds from the increased taxes used to pay down the principal of the loans. The state must make annual interest payments on the loans, using General Fund monies.

[PDF] The Cal-Fed-Home Water Agency Act #21336

To the extent that this measure changed the value of land use development from what would have occurred otherwise, local governments would experience a change in annual property tax revenues. Any change in property tax revenues allocated to school districts would generally result in a change in state General Fund obligations for spend- ing on schools.

[PDF] Using State General Obligation Bonds for Housing

Low-income housing tax credit targets affordable housing. California Housing Finance Agency issues tax-exempt bonds to subsidize housing. State Can Affect Housing Market in Other Ways Strengthening the housing element process to encourage local housing production.

[PDF] California Spending Limit Restoration Act

Proceeds of Taxes. It defines “taxes” broadly to include (1) charges or fees for services that had been previously financed by tax revenues (except in the case of the judicial branch); (2) regulatory fees to the extent that the proceeds are used for purposes other than issuing licenses, permitting, and other forms of direct regulation; and (3) user fees for services where the service is provided to those not charged.

[PDF] Assessing the Governor's Employment Training Initiative

The Governor has proposed to apply the current Employment Training Tax (ETT), used to sup- port ETP, to certain employers who are currently not subject to this tax. This new tax obligation of about $7 per employee would primarily fall on employers that have used the Unemployment Insurance (UI) program heavily.