Results for 서울시 tax

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[PDF] Overview of Initiative Measure to Change Tax Assessment of Commercial Property

Most owners of commercial real property worth more than $3 million would pay higher property taxes. These higher taxes would be phased in over several years. By 2025, taxes would be higher for most commercial properties.


Campbell) Provides tax credit for generators. AB  9x (Richman) Requires local governments to identify sites for power plants. AB  27x (Koretz and Horton), SB  1x (Soto), and SB  16x (Soto) Provides tax credit for purchasing power generation equipment.

[PDF] The 2002-03 Assembly Budget Bill (AB 1777)

Increased taxes on cigarettes of 50 cents per pack (for a total of $1.37 per pack), generating an estimated $475 million. Various revenue accelerations, additional withholding, and tax compliance measures, generating a revenue increase of $582 million.

[PDF] 1958 Budget Analysis: Highway Patrol

The anticipated effect of this solution would be to check the rapidly growing diversion of highway gasoline and Iuel tax Iunds Irom high- way construction to patrol. At the same time, it would encourage coun- ties, particularly the rapidly growing suburban areas, to accept Iull responsibility Ior the policing of their own areas, thereby reducing the burden on the state-financed Highway Patrol.

[PDF] 1959 Budget Analysis: Economies and Efficiencies

Transferring coilection of the gasoline tax from the Oontroller to the Board of Equalization. 2. Transferring gasoline tax refunds from the Oontroller to the Board of Equalization. 3. Transferring collection of the transportation tax from the Oon- troller to the Board of Equalization. 4.

[PDF] 1963 Budget Analysis: Preliminary

Under these assumptions the anticipated rev- enues are shown for the 1962-63 and the 1963-64 fiscal years in the following table: Sales and use ~ax _________ _ Bank and corporation tax __ _ Personal income tax ______ _ Insurance tax ____________ _ Inheritance and gift tax ___ _ Cigarette tax _____________ _

[PDF] 1964 Budget Analysis: Transportation

When amounts for support for the California Highway Patrol and the Department of Motor Ve- hicle, appropriated by the Legislature, have been withdrawn from this fund, the balance goes into the Highway Users Tax Fund which can .471 Highway Patrol Item 189 Department of California Highway Patrol-Continued be used by the State, cities and counties for highway and road con- struction and related safety devices.

[PDF] 1965 Budget Analysis: Industrial

Consideration may be given to funding the support of the Divi- sion of Industrial Accidents and the Industrial Accident Commission from a premium tax on Workmen's Compensation Insurance as is done in a number of other states.

[PDF] 1972 Budget Analysis: Transportation

Support of the department is derived from the Aeronautics Fund, which receives revenues generated from a two-cents-per-gallon jet aircraft fuel tax and net revenues of two cents per gallon attributable to motor vehicle fuel (gasoline) used in propelling aircraft.

[PDF] State funding and opera- tion of the courts would constitute a

State funding and opera- tion of the courts would constitute a form of property tax reliefif the court revenues from fees, fines, forfeitures and penalties were left with local government under existing law. 14 / JUDICIAL Items 17-20 JUDICIAL-Continued Evaluation of Court Productivity We recommend that the Judicial Council provide continuing evaluation of the productivity of the