Results for homelessness

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[PDF] Overview of Student Housing

Campuses report that these programs are meeting their objective of moving homeless students into stable housing. „ How the new housing grants will interact with these other state programs remains somewhat unclear.

[PDF] The 2022-23 Budget: The Governor’s Homelessness Plan

The 2022-23 Budget: The Governor’s Homelessness Plan 2 0 2 2 - 2 3 B U D G E T 1 Summary Homelessness in California. While homelessness is a complex problem with many causes, the high costs of housing is a significant factor in the state’s homelessness crisis.

[PDF] "The Mental Health Services Act"

The proposed expansion of mental health treatment services to several tens of thousands of individuals proposed in this initiative would probably result in savings on state prison and county jail operations, medical care, homeless shelters, and social services programs.

[PDF] California Update: The Fiscal Impact of Tuberculosis in California

The recent growth in TB cases in California is largely attributable to increases in these higherriskpopulations: people with weakened immune systems, such as HIV infected persons; immigrants from countries with high rates of TB infection; the homeless; institutional populations; and individuals with inadequate health care.

November Update

Provided $3 million to expand and improve existing programs to assist homeless, illiterate, unemployed, and drug-addicted parolees. Parolee Casework Services. Provided $5.5 million to help parolees safely reintegrate into society, including temporary help with transportation, housing, and other services.

Major Features of the 1999 California Budget

The budget includes $10 million from the General Fund to provide grants to counties for training and integrated services to severely mentally ill adults at risk of homelessness or incarceration. California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs) CalWORKs Budget Reflects Current Law .

Overview of the 2000-01 May Revision

Special Needs. $47 million for programs that provide housing for the homeless ($17 million) and farmworkers ($10 million), and provide social services and housing in tandem ($20 million). The State Appropriations Limit (SAL) Last month, we reported that the state's strong revenue performance could make the SAL a budgetary issue this spring--which would happen if combined current- and budget-year approp riations exceed their combined SALs.

[PDF] 2003 Realignment

LAO Recommendation Program Consider Remove Page Discussed Health Programs—Administration's Plan Medi-Cal benefits — $1,620 138 Medi-Cal long-term care $1,400a — 139 Public health 68 — 140 Integrated Services for Homeless and Children's System of Care 75 — 141 Substance abuse treatment programs and drug courts 230 — 142 Additional Programs—Suggested by LAO 50 percent county share

[PDF] The 2015-16 Budget: California Spending Plan

Figure 15 Major Human Services Programs and Departments—Spending Trends General Fund (Dollars in Millions) 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 Change From 2014-15 to 2015-16 Amount Percent SSI/SSP $2,772.6 $2,789.5 $2,811.6 $22.1 0.8% Department of Developmental Services 2,801.0 3,140.2 3,520.7 380.4 12.1 CalWORKs 1,161.9 673.7a 738.4 64.7 9.6 In-Home Supportive Services 1,926.3 2,193.3 2,805.3 612.0 27.9

[PDF] LAO 1999 Perspectives and Issues: MAJOR EXPENDITURE PROPOSALS IN THE 1999-00 BUDGET

Many healthy adults with- out children, the homeless, transients, or persons in the midst of a transition in their lives are likely to remain uncovered. Safety-net programs will continue to be needed to serve this segment of the population. • Include Cost-Sharing on an Ability-to-Pay Basis.