Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada

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Perspectives on State Revenues 2004-05 [Publication Details]

Feb 18, 2004 - 2003-04 Forecast: We forecast that General Fund revenues and transfers will total $74.1 billion in the current year, a $2.8 billion (3.9 percent) increase from 2002-03. This is down $491 million from the budget forecast, of which $477 million is related to our lower estimate of personal income tax (PIT) revenues. 2004-05 Forecast: We forecast that revenues and transfers will total $75.

Perspectives on the Economy and Demographics 2004-05 [Publication Details]

Feb 18, 2004 - The U.S. and California economies are entering 2004 with significant momentum which we believe will continue through the budget year. The one major exception to the generally upbeat economic picture is employment growth, which continues to lag despite major gains in consumer and business spending and output in the economy.

State Fiscal Picture 2004-05 [Publication Details]

Feb 18, 2004 - We further project that an ongoing General Fund structural deficit of close to $7 billion would exist beyond the budget year, absent corrective action. Reports by Policy Area

Deficiencies: Rethinking How to Address Unexpected Expenses [Publication Details]

Feb 18, 2004 - The Constitution gives the Legislature the power to appropriate funds. In order to address unexpected expenses (or "deficiencies") that arise during a fiscal year, the Legislature provides the administration with limited authority to spend at higher rates than foreseen in the budget act.

Pavement Maintenance: Protecting the State’s Investment [Publication Details]

Feb 18, 2004 - Pavement maintenance protects the taxpayers’ investment in the highway system and can reduce long-term costs by postponing the need for more expensive roadway rehabilitation. Poorly maintained roadways increase costs to motorists for vehicle repair, costing drivers in Los Angeles or San Jose an average of more than $700 a year for instance.

DMV: Staffing Levels Down Wait Times Up [Publication Details]

Feb 18, 2004 - Every year over 30 million customers visit the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) field offices. Staff reductions in recent years have caused average customers wait times to grow significantly, from 35 minutes in 2001-02 to a projected 80 minutes in 2004-05. We recommend that the Legislature reexamine the levels of service to be provided by DMV.

State’s Approach to Flood Management Should Be More Strategic [Publication Details]

Feb 18, 2004 - Development in and around floodplains has contributed to increased losses due to floods, but the state’s efforts to improve floodplain management have been reduced significantly in recent years. We recommend reducing the state’s share of funding for certain flood control projects to better reflect the local benefit from these projects.

Improving The State’s Medi-Cal Antifraud Program [Publication Details]

Feb 18, 2004 - Improving The State’s Medi-Cal Antifraud Program [Publication Details] Improving The State’s Medi-Cal Antifraud Program Format: HTML Description: During the past four years, the Legislature has approved significant increases in resources to combat fraud in the Medi-Cal Program.

K-12 Categorical Reform Headed in Right Direction [Publication Details]

Feb 18, 2004 - The Governor proposes to consolidate $2 billion in funding for 22 existing categorical programs into revenue limits to provide schools and districts with greater funding flexibility. We recommend the Legislature transfer 17 programs into revenue limits, including 14 proposed by the Governor, plus two class size reduction programs and deferred maintenance.