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LAO Publications

The new spending plan funds the Proposition 42 transfer to transportation, and includes significant increases in both K-12 and higher education. The new budget does not use any of the remaining $3.7 billion in deficit-financing bonds authorized by Proposition 57 in March 2004, and it prepays a $1.2 billion loan due to local governments in 2006-07.

[PDF] Governor’s Prison Expansion Proposal

Machado, Chair Review of Governor’s Proposal L E G I S L A T I V E A N A L Y S T ’ S O F F I C E August 16, 2006 L e g i s L a t i v e a n a L y s t ’ s O f f i c e August 16, 2006 Component of Proposal Number Of Beds Security Level Annual Operational Costs (2013-14) Capacity Expansion Housing units at existing facilities 16,238 Mixed $2,475 $682 Two prisons 9,000 IV 1,222 418 Reentry facilities

1999 Initiative Analysis: Let the Voters Decide Act of 2000

This measure would transfer that authority to the California Supreme Court. The measure specifies that the Supreme Court may appoint "Special Masters" made up of retired federal and state judges to hold public hearings to permit the presentation of evidence and argument with respect to proposed district plans.

1999 Initiative Analysis: Let the Voters Decide II Act of 2000

The measure would transfer that authority to the California Supreme Court. The measure specifies that the S upreme Court shall appoint "Special Masters" made up of retired federal and state judges to hold public hearings to permit the presentation of evidence and argument with respect to proposed district plans.

[PDF] Student eye examinations

We assume this would mean stu- dents entering kindergarten or students transferring into a district from another district, state, or a private school. Gradually, over a period of 12 years, the measure's require- ments would extend to all students in California's public schools.

[PDF] Ask Us First Taxpayer Protection Act of 2010

State Taxes, Fees, and Assessments on Real Property The measure prohibits the Legislature from imposing any tax, fee, or assessment on real property, or on the sale or transfer of real property. FISCAL EFFECTS The measure makes two significant changes to state finance.

[PDF] Overview of California Community Colleges (CCC) Conference Issues

Key elements of approach include academic program maps; processes to help students choose, plan, and complete a program of study; and learning outcomes aligned with requirements for transfer and careers. ; Other Components „ $10 Million for Online Education Initiative.

[PDF] Overview of the Legislature’s Budget Package

General Fund Condition Summary (In Millions) 2022-23 Revised 2023-24 Proposed Prior‑year fund balance $55,916 $26,341 Revenues and transfers 205,134 209,171 Expenditures 234,710 227,039 Ending fund balance $26,341 $8,473 Encumbrances $5,272 $5,272 SFEU Balance $21,069 $3,201 Reserves BSA $22,252 $22,252 SFEU 21,069 3,201 Safety net 900 900 Total Reserves $44,221 $26,353 SFEU = Special Fund for Economic Uncertainties and BSA = Budget Stabilization Account.

[PDF] The 2023-24 Budget: Overview of the Governor’s Budget

General Fund Condition Summary (In Millions) 2021-22 Revised 2022-23 Revised 2023-24 Proposed Prior‑year fund balance $41,102 $52,713 $21,521 Revenues and transfers 233,891 208,883 210,174 Expenditures 222,280 240,076 223,614 Ending fund balance $52,713 $21,521 $8,081 Encumbrances 4,276 4,276 4,276 SFEU balance 48,437 17,245 3,805 Reserves BSA $19,867 $21,487 $22,398 SFEU 48,437

[PDF] Review of Governor's Proposal

Review of Governor's Proposal Correctional Policy and Fiscal Issues Mark Leno, Chair Review of Governor’s Proposal L E G I S L A T I V E A N A L Y S T ’ S O F F I C E August 17, 2006 L e g i s L a t i v e a n a L y s t ’ s O f f i c e August 17, 2006 Component of Proposal Number Of Beds Security Level Annual Operational Costs (2013-14) Capacity Expansion Housing units at existing facilities