Results for quezon city transfer of ownership

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Cal Facts 2004 Program Trends

The state also provides a portion of gas tax revenues directly to cities and counties for maintenance of local streets and roads. These transfers to local entities amount to about $1 billion per year.

California's Fiscal Outlook: LAO Projections 2006-07 Through 2011-12

In terms of numbers of people, this modest annual growth rate translates into about 465,000 people and is roughly equivalent to adding a new city the si ze of Long Beach to California each year. As a result, California will add roughly 3 million people over the forecast interval and reach over 40 million by 2012.

[PDF] Restoring the Salton Sea

Because of the warm winter climate, proximity to southern California cities, large size, and active fishery, the Sea was a popular recreational destination for fisherman and water sports enthusiasts.

[PDF] 1945-47 Legislative Auditor's Report: Section I

If in addition to the above, any considerable amount of the large special appropriation items for the assisting of cities and counties, the'building of local highways, and providing for a comprehensive state-wide plan for flood control, is made available, then it is certain that these must either he substituted for proposals made by the Governor or that taxes must be materially increased unless a very large deficit is incurred.

[PDF] 1952 Budget Analysis: Department of Natural Resources

We believe that further study should be given by both the Division of Forestry and the Department of Finance with a view to transfer of these charges from the Division of Forestry to the Office of Oivil Defense.

[PDF] 1955 Budget Analysis: Judicial

One of these positions was transferred to the Supreme Court from the Judicial Council in 1953-54. It was found that. the position did not serve the judiciary as well under the Supreme Court as under the Judicial Council, so the position was transferred back during the current year.

[PDF] 1956 Budget Analysis: Department of Justice

It is anticipated that the law which permits the levying of city and county sales tax will increase the work load of the department. This work involves cases where municipalities deny that the tax is applicable and cases where individuals refuse to pay the tax.

[PDF] 1957 Budget Analysis: Industrial Relations

In addition, that portion of the current work load of the Sacramento office which generates from the Hedding area would transfer to the latter office, thereby reducing the Sacramento office work load.

[PDF] 1959 Budget Analysis: Highway Patrol

We find that four clerks can be elimi- nated by having key punch operators transfer all materials directly from the traffic citations except for the two columns used for coding motor vehicle type. It will be necessary to continue to code the informa- tion on these two columns.

[PDF] 1963 Budget Analysis: Index

:-r------'--- Family Care, Support of __________________ ~--------------'--------A45, Langley Porter Neuropsychiatric Institute __ ...: ______ ..: _____ ~_,----A51, 855, Mental Institutions: ' Agnews State Hospital _______________________________ -;-_____ 453,,856, Atascadero State Hospital __ -:-___ -: ______ ~'_ ______ _:_-------_,_--- , __ ~~454, Camarillo State Hospital _____________ :...