Results for quezon city transfer of ownership

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[PDF] 1965 Budget Analysis: Transmittal

Various financing alternatives in- clude the suggested one cent a gallon fuel tax, an appropriation similar to Item 446.7, Budget Act of 1958, or transfer of funds from the Oalifornia Water Fund. O. Antipoverty Program The budget includes a proposal for $62,431 as the state's share of the initial administrative cost in participating in the federal govern- ment's antipoverty program.

[PDF] 1969 Budget Analysis: General Administration

Operating Revenues (Fair and Horseracing Revenues) __ _ Fair and Exposition Fund Grant (Section 19622 Busi- ness and Professions Code) ______________________ _ General Fund Transfer for Debt Service (Item 52) ____ _ General Fund Transfer for Anticipated Deficit (Item 54) $265,000 1,130,000

[PDF] The additional tax revenues generated by these disallowances are

The additional tax revenues generated by these disallowances are transferred from the General Fund to the Local Agency Code Enforcement and Rehabilitation Fund (LAC- ERF). The State Controller distributes these funds to the cities and counties in which the code violations occurred, to be used for code enforcement, housing rehabilitation and related activities.

LAO Analysis of the 1998-99 Budget Bill Capital Outlay Crosscutting Issues

Specifically, a large portion of tidelands oil revenues was transferred to the Capita l Outlay Fund for Public Higher Education to address capital needs of the higher education segments. More recently, as discussed in the Crosscutting Issues section of the Resources chapter in this Analysis, the Legislature has transferred tidelands revenues to the Natural Resources Infrastructure Fund to meet program needs in that area.

1998-99 Perspectives and Issues: Perspective on the Vehicle License Fee

In 1993, the authority to collect delinquent VLF revenues was transferred from the DMV to the Franchise Tax Board. The FTB holds greater administrative authority to collect these delinquent fees, using actions such as issuing bank and wage levies.

LAO Analysis of the 1998-99 Budget Bill Transportation Crosscutting Issues

In order to avert a projected deficit, the budget proposes a transfer of $30.5  million from SHA. Projected 1998-99 Balance Insufficient to Cover Outstanding Obligations. With the transfer, the budget projects a balance of $26.8  million in the account at the end of 1998-99.

[PDF] 2000 Budget Perspectives and Issues: Perspectives on State Revenues

Of this total, 1 percent is allocated to cities and counties for general purposes, and the remaining 0.25 percent is deposited into county transportation funds. • Optional Local “Add-On” Tax Rates. Local governments are authorized to levy additional local SUT rates for a variety of pur- poses.

2000 Budget Analysis: General Government Depts #2

Transfer the functions of the Milk and Dairy Foods Laboratory to the California Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory System. As we discuss below, the department has not provided sufficient detail to support these requests.

2000 Budget Analysis: General Government Overview & Departments 1

The SIP divides California into three types of program areas based on air quality--enhanced, basic, and change of ownership. The smog test required varies by area (see Figure 1). In addition to the requirements in the SIP, the bureau administers several smog-related programs that have been adopted by the Legislature.

2001 Budget Analysis: K-12 Databases

As shown in Figure 1, CSIS benefits the state by supporting the API and evaluation, and school districts by improving student tracking, providing more accurate and timely student records transfer, and tracking student drop-outs.