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2001 Budget Analysis: Discretionary Funding

Background on Revenue Limits Revenue limits provide general purpose support for school districts and county offices of education. When instituted in 1972, the revenue limit was calculated to be equal to the pe r-student amount of general purpose student aid and local property taxes that a district received in the 1972-73 fiscal year.

2001 Budget Analysis: Education Technology

Internet2 —$32 Million Funds University of California (UC) to connect and serve all county offices of education on the Internet2 network. Does not include funds for wiring s chools or districts. (See detailed discussion of this program in our analysis of UC budget.)

2001 Budget Analysis: Special Education

Differing population densities around the state have resulted in SELPAs of differing geographical size, ranging from multiple-county SELPAs to single-school district SELPAs. In 1999-00 there were 116 SELPAs.

2001 Budget Analysis: Other Issues

Prior to adoption of the direct funding model, charter schools received funding on a program-by-program basis through negotiation with their sponsoring school district or county office of education. Chapter 78, Statutes of 1999 (AB 1115, Strom-Martin), adopted the charter school direct funding model, which provides funding to charter schools thro ugh three funding streams: Revenue Limit.

2001 Budget Analysis: University of California (6440)

Nonresident students should not pay less than the average cost of providing instruction and related services because these students and their families generally have not paid the s tate taxes that help subsidize the education of UC students.

2001 Budget Analysis: California State University (6610)

The CSU Channel Islands, located in Camarillo (Ventura County), is scheduled to open in fall 2002 as CSU's 23 rd campus. The Governor's budget proposes General Fund spending of $2.7 billion. This is an increase of $216 million, or 8.8 percent, over the current year.

[PDF] LAO 2001 Budget Analysis: Education Chapter

Discretionary Funding E - 69 Legislative Analyst’s Office Background on Revenue Limits Revenue limits provide general purpose support for school districts and county offices of education. When instituted in 1972, the revenue limit was calculated to be equal to the per-student amount of general purpose student aid and local property taxes that a district received in the 1972-73 fiscal year.

2001-02 Budget Analysis: General Government Overview

Tax Collection Programs Expenditures. The Franchise Tax Board and the Board of Equalization are the largest revenue collection agencies in the state. Between them, the boards collect the state's personal and business i ncome taxes, sales tax, and special use taxes.

2001-02 Budget Analysis: Department of Information Technology

Franchise Tax Board California Child Support Automation System Increase caseworker efficiency and effectiveness. Improve relationships with employers and financial institutions. Justice Consolidated Firearms Information Systems Enhancements Prevent the sale or transfer of uncertified handguns.

2001 Budget Analysis: Housing and Community Development (2240)

The jurisdiction which approves the housing receives a relatively small share of the property taxes generated from the new development. These revenues, in many cases, are not enough to pay for the costs of providing services to the new housing.