Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada

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LAO Recommended Legislation [Publication Details]

Dec 2, 2002 - This report summarizes various changes to law that we have recommended in recent years. Reports by Policy Area

California's Fiscal Outlook: LAO Projections, 2002-03 Through 2007-08 [Publication Details]

Nov 14, 2002 - Current Year: California will end the 2002-03 fiscal year with a General Fund deficit of $6.1 billion. Budget Year: The 2003-04 budget faces a cumulative year-end deficit of $21.1 billion, absent corrective actions.

Perspectives on California’s Fiscal Challenges [Publication Details]

Oct 11, 2002 - A presentation to the Association of California School Administrators about California's Fiscal Challenges.

Supplemental Report of the 2002 Budget Act: 2002-03 Fiscal Year [Publication Details]

Sep 11, 2002 - Supplemental Report of the 2002 Budget Act: 2002-03 Fiscal Year [Publication Details] Translate Our Website This Google ™ translation feature provided on the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) website is for informational purposes only.

Fiscal Effect on California: Congressional Welfare Reform Reauthorization Proposals [Publication Details]

Aug 29, 2002 - Congress is considering different approaches to the reauthorization of the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program. We estimate that over the next five federal fiscal years net state costs would be about $2.2 billion for the House bill (H.R. 4737) and $140 million for the version passed by the Senate Finance Committee.

Review of School Crime Reporting [Publication Details]

May 15, 2002 - Review of School Crime Reporting [Publication Details] Translate Our Website This Google ™ translation feature provided on the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) website is for informational purposes only.

President's Welfare Reform Reauthorization Plan--Fiscal Effect on California [Publication Details]

Apr 15, 2002 - President Bush's welfare reform reauthorization plan, if enacted by Congress, would increase the effective work participation rate requirement for California by a factor of almost ten. In order to have a reasonable chance of meeting this mandate, we estimate that the state would incur total additional net costs of approximately $2.8 billion over the next five federal fiscal years.

Perspectives on the Economy and Demographics 2002-03 [Publication Details]

Feb 20, 2002 - Our outlook is predicated on (1) a rebound in high-tech spending in the second half of the year and (2) the absence of significant terrorism-related disruptions to the national or state economies. Reports by Policy Area

Discretionary Funds [Publication Details]

Feb 20, 2002 - We recommend that, to the extent funds are available, the Legislature provide budget-year funding to continue revenue limit equalization ($42 million) and a reduced Public Employees' Retirement System (PERS) offset to revenue limits ($36 million) because these programs (1) provide general purpose funds to local education agencies (LEAs) and (2) meet important legislative priorities.

Condition of Transportation Funds [Publication Details]

Feb 20, 2002 - We recommend adoption of budget bill language (a) limiting the transfer from the State Highway Account (SHA) to the Traffic Congestion Relief Fund (TCRF) and (b) providing increased flexibility for transferring TCRF money to the General Fund.