Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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2001 Budget Analysis: Department of Food and Agriculture (8570)

The department created and provided the counties with the PD Control Program Workplan to guide the counties in program implementation and budgeting. Thus far, the state has entered into contracts with 48 counties, at a total contract amount of approximately $14 million.

2001 Budget Analysis: Public Utilities Commission (8660)

The California Teleconnect Fund (CTF) subsidizes telephone service for various entities —50 percent for schools and libraries, 25 percent for community-based organizations, and 20 percent for city- and county-owned hospitals and clinics.

2001 Budget Analysis: Tax Relief (9100)

For all VLF reducti ons, cities and counties continue to receive the same amount of revenues as under prior law, with the reduced VLF amounts replaced by General Fund spending. This spending, known as the "VLF backfill," is reflected in the tax relief budget item.

[PDF] LAO 2001 Budget Analysis: General Government Chapter

The Governor pro- poses to fund this program again in 2001-02 at $75 million. • Property Tax Administration Loan Program. This program was created in 1995 to provide forgivable loans to counties for addi- tional spending on property tax administration.

2001 Budget Analysis:Department of Mental Health

R ather than adjust county baseline contributions to EPSDT, however, the realignment option would allocate additional state tax revenues to county mental health programs. These addit ional tax revenues would be allocated each year automatically by statute and would not be subject to the annual state appropriations process, much the same way realignment revenues are currently distributed.

2001 Budget Analysis:Employment Development Department

In separate analyses, we indicate that the Legislature may wish to consider the option of using part of the WIA funds for (1) efforts to implement Proposition 36 and (2) a Los Ange les County Medicaid demonstration project.

2001 Budget Analysis:Department of Social Services

The department is responsibl e for (1) supervising county delivery of social services, (2) determining eligibility for federal and state disability programs, (3) licensing residential facilities, (4) providing adoption services, and (5) assisting disaster victims.

2001 Budget Analysis:Child Welfare Services

In that study, 11 counties that were voluntarily using SDM were matched with 11 other counties in the state that wer e using other methods for managing CWS reports and caseloads. After two years, all cases handled in these counties were compared.

2001 Budget Analysis:Implementation of Proposition 36

The Legislature may wish to consider assisting counties in addressing these issues in light of the state's own significant stake in the potential success of Proposition 36. The suc cessful implementation of the proposition could both improve public safety and result in significant net savings for the state (and counties) on prison operation and construction c osts as well as other health and social services expenditures.

2001 Budget Analysis:New Tobacco Settlement Fund

It was originally estimated th at California would receive about $25 billion over 25 years, with $12.5 billion going to the counties and $12.5 billion to the state. Since that time, however, the estimated amount the state and counties would receive has decreased due to a provision in the settlement agreement that reduces payments in accordance with a decline in tobacco sales.