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CalSTRS and Proposition 98 [Publication Details]

Mar 19, 2014 - In this presentation to the Senate and Assembly public employment committees, we discuss the relationship between a CalSTRS funding plan and Proposition 98, the minimum annual amount of funding required for schools and community colleges in California.

Perspectives on the CalSTRS funding scenarios discussed at the March 19, 2014 joint hearing.

Mar 19, 2014 - (Unfunded liabilities are a discounted actuarial estimate of the cost of pension benefits already earned by current and past workers that are not funded by pension sy stem assets on hand.) Below, we highlight some key points about CalSTRS ' presentation.

Office of Administrative Hearings staffing augmentation

Mar 14, 2014 - The OAH operates five regional offices throughout the state (Sacramento, Oakland, Los Angeles, Van Nuys, and San Diego). Our review of the department ’s data found that the time frames for scheduling cases varies significantly by location.

Letter to Honorable Mark Leno on Corporation Tax Trends [Publication Details]

Mar 13, 2014 - This letter responds to a request concerning California corporate tax trends, as discussed in the January 23, 2014 meeting of the Senate Committee on Budget and Fiscal Review. In nominal terms, the state's corporation tax has tended to grow over time, but it is a volatile tax.

The 2014-15 Budget: Pilot Program to Improve Property Tax Administration [Publication Details]

Mar 13, 2014 - In this report, we provide an overview of local property tax administration and review the administration's proposed three-year pilot program to improve tax administration and generate state General Fund savings.

February 2014 California income taxes far above projections

Mar 11, 2014 - Further Detail This note provides updated  information concerning California ’s February 2014 collections of major state tax revenues. Information provided in this note is tabulated using the “agency cash ” method: the method that is based on real-time collections by the state 's tax agencies.

Improving Management of the State's Groundwater Resources [Publication Details]

Mar 11, 2014 - Improving Management of the State's Groundwater Resources [Publication Details] Translate Our Website This Google ™ translation feature provided on the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) website is for informational purposes only.

Requirements for accelerated remittance of certain income tax estimated and withholding payments

Mar 6, 2014 - (The wall of debt excludes various other state obligations, such as the state's large unfunded pension and retiree health liabilities.) As we have stated previously, the Governor's focus on paying down the wall of debt is commendable.

The 2014-15 Budget: State Worker Salary, Health Benefit, and Pension Costs [Publication Details]

Mar 4, 2014 - The increased costs reflect pay increases for most state workers, rising health and pension benefit costs, and a net increase in the number of state workers. In this report, we provide an overview of the state workforce, current collective bargaining agreements, and state employee compensation costs in 2014-15.

The 2014-15 Budget: Child Care and Preschool Programs [Publication Details]

Mar 4, 2014 - In this report, we provide an analysis of the Governor's budget proposals for the state's child care and preschool programs. Specifically, we review the caseload and cost assumptions underlying the Governor's proposal.