Results for 서울시 tax

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[PDF] Same Sex Marriages

The measure could also result in an unknown net increase or decrease in revenues to the state from income taxes because the income of married couples is taxed at different rates from individuals. In summary, the magnitude of these additional costs and revenue changes is un- known and would depend on how many same sex partners choose to marry.

Sell alcoholic beverages for an additional two hours

If so, it would increase certain state and local revenues--primarily alcoholic beverage tax rev enues. These increases, however, probably would not be significant. Summary of Fiscal Effect. This measure could result in increased state and local regulatory and enforcement costs totaling several million dollars annually.

[PDF] Allows specified business establishments to sell alcoholic beverages for an additional two hours

If so, it would increase certain state and local reve- nues—primarily alcoholic beverage tax revenues. These increases, however, probably would not be significant. Summary of Fiscal Effect. This measure could result in increased state and local regulatory and enforcement costs totaling several million dollars annually.

National Average School Funding Guarantee and Parental Right to Choose Quality Education Amendment

If a significant number of public school pupils shifted to scholarship-redeeming private schools, the state share of K-12 general-purpose funding would be reduced to the point tha t significantly more districts would become "excess tax" districts.

[PDF] Reinvesting in California Schools Act

Tax Increases The measure directs the Legislature to impose new taxes or increase existing taxes to generate revenues sufficient to fund the required spending increases. These additional taxes would be phased in over a five-year period corresponding to the phase-in sched- ule for spending increases.

Two-Thirds Vote Preservation Act of 2000

Specifically, state tax increases require approval by two-thirds of the Legislature; local tax increases must be approved by a majority or two-thirds of the local electorate. Expenditures Limits. Under the California Constitution, each level of government has a limit on the amount of tax revenues it may spend.

[PDF] Fees, Taxes. New Definitions, Vote Requirements. Initiative Constitutional Amendment.

Specifically, state tax in- creases require approval by two-thirds of the Legislature; local tax increases must be approved by a majority or two-thirds of the local electorate. • Expenditures Limits.

The California Class Size Reduction Act

A uniform tax rate of 1.25  percent is levied in all counties, and local governments are authorized to levy an optional additional tax not to exceed 1.5  percent. Currently, total sales tax rates range from 7.25  percent to 8.5  percent.

[PDF] The California Class Size Reduction Act

A uniform tax rate of 1.25 percent is levied in all counties, and local governments are authorized to levy an optional additional tax not to exceed 1.5 percent. Currently, total sales tax rates range from 7.25 percent to 8.5 percent.

People's Gaming Act

Also, revenues generated fro m gaming on reservations would be less than for comparable operations situated elsewhere because Indian tribes are exempt from certain taxes. For example, if casinos are run by an Indian tribe, any profits attributed to tribal business activities would not be subject to state income taxes.