Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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LAO Analysis of the 2002-03 Budget: Education, Other K-12 Issues

Based on the SDE attendance data, we estimate that noncharter school independent study attendance in 2002-03 would be 56,700—with 51,000 ADA in school districts and 5,700 ADA in county offices of education.

LAO Analysis of the 2002-03 Budget: Education, Introduction

(This decrease is offset by an increase in local property tax revenue.) Incorporating local property tax revenue, the budget anticipates $4.7  billion in CCC's Proposition  98 expenditures, an increase of $68.2  million, or 1.5  percent, over the current-year estimate.

LAO Analysis of the 2002-03 Budget: Education, Intersegmental

In addition to these programs, the state provides incentives for families to save for higher education expenses by allowing them to make tax-deferred investments through the Golden State Scholarshare Trust program.

2002-03 Budget Analysis: General Government, Department of Insurance (0845)

Insurance companies are required to pay a tax based on gross premiums. The tax generates $1.3 billion annually. The Tax Collection and Audit program within DOI is responsible for a uditing all tax returns filed by insurance companies and brokers, as required by law.

2002-03 Budget Analysis: General Government, Board of Equalization (0860)

2002-03 Budget Analysis: General Government, Board of Equalization (0860) Board of Equalization (0860) The Board of Equalization (BOE) is one of California's two major tax collection agencies. In terms of its responsibilities, BOE: (1) collects state and local sales and use taxes, a nd a variety of business and excise taxes and fees, including

2002 Budget Analysis: Health and Social Services, Tobacco Settlement Fund

Whether the bonds will be tax-exempt versus taxable. What percent of future dollars the state feels is reasonable to give up in order to get dollars today. Whether bond-related reserve funds have to be maintained and, if so, how they can be invested and who gets the proceeds.

2002 Budget Analysis: Health and Social Services, Department of Alcohol And Drug Programs (4200)

Alternatively, the additional SAPT funds could be distributed to county governments in ac cordance with DADP's customary funding distribution formulas, thus permitting local officials to set their own funding priorities based upon local needs.

2002 Budget Analysis: Health and Social Services, Department of Mental Health (4440)

Counties did not propose to modify the Ps &Gs to reflect realignment. 1999 —The State Controller's Office (SCO) began auditing county claims and found that some counties claimed 100  percent of treatment costs, instead of the 10  percent specified in the Ps &Gs. 2001 —Counties proposed that CSM amend the Ps &Gs, retroactive to 1991, to allow counties to claim 100  percent of treatment costs.

2002 Budget Analysis: Health and Social Services, Employment Development Department (5100)

Specifically, counties use TANF funds to help welfare families obtain training and become self-sufficient. Su ch TANF funds are covered by the charitable choice provisions of current federal law and may be provided to FBOs.

2002 Budget Analysis: Health and Social Services, Department Of Child Support Services (5175)

However, under Chapter  906, Statutes of 1994 (AB 923, Speier), the Franchise Tax Board (FTB) began collecting delinquent child support on behalf of most California counties. Some of these collections ar e recouped as General Fund revenues to offset the costs associated with welfare expenditures.