Results for quezon city transfer of ownership

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[PDF] California's Fiscal Outlook: LAO Projections 2000-01 Through 2005-06

Figure 1 The LAO’s General Fund Revenue Forecast (Dollars in Millions) Preliminary Forecast 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 Personal income tax $39,471 $44,190 $45,810 $49,240 $53,000 $56,860 $61,060 Sales and use tax 21,109 22,068 22,910 24,960 26,590 28,380 30,300 Bank and corporation tax 6,663 7,178 7,550 7,980 8,420 8,910 9,430 Other revenues and

California's Fiscal Outlook: LAO Projections, 2002-03 Through 2007-08

Other Revenues And Transfers The remaining sources of income for the General Fund include various revenues other than from the PIT, SUT, and CT, as well as transfers to the General Fund from special funds.

[PDF] Overview of the 2002-03 May Revision

H I L L • L E G I S L A T I V E A N A LY S T LAO 60 YEARS OF SERVICE Overview of the 2002-03 May Revision The Governor’s May Revision addresses an enormous increase in the state’s budget short- fall through a variety of spending reductions, tax increases, fund transfers, and additional borrowing.

Overview of the 2003-04 May Revision

Transportation ·     Transfers sales tax revenue to fund $207  million in projects. Remaining $938  million in Proposition  42 transfers deferred for up to six years. ·     Suspends transfer of sales taxes to the Public Transportation Account ($87  million).

Overview of the 2004-05 Governor's Budget

The growth in LPT results from a combination of natural growth in school LPT, a proposal to transfer additional property tax revenues from local governments to school districts through the Education Revenue Augmentation Fund (ERAF), and transfers of ERAF revenues from school districts to local governments as part of the "triple flip " payment mechanism for the Economic Recovery Bond on the March  2, 2004 ballot.

[PDF] Supplemental Report of the 2004 Budget Act

The new building would combine functions of the Superior Courts of Placer and Nevada Counties, in the North Lake Tahoe region, by replacing two existing court facilities (in Truckee and Tahoe City) with one, new two-courtroom facility of approximately 25,500 gross square feet (gsf).

[PDF] Supplemental Report of the 2005 Budget Act 2005-06 Fiscal Year

Foreign Prisoner Transfer Treaty Program. No later than October 1, 2005, the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (DCR) shall update its Operations Manual to include current state policies and procedures regarding the Foreign Prisoner Transfer Treaty Program.

Supplemental Report of the 2006 Budget Act

. ·               Percent of transferred inmates arriving at the receiving institution with a completed health care summary transfer form. Dental ·               Percent of inmates provided with an initial dental examination within 90 days of arrival at an institution from a reception center. ·               Percent of inmates over 50 years old provided with an annual examination.

California's Taxation of Vessels, Vehicles, and Aircraft: Out of State Purchases

However, the vessel or aircraft is also presumed to be for use in California (and thus subject to the use tax) if it is subject to the property tax during the first 12 months of ownership. Thus, if a vesse l owned by a nonresident is within a county on the January lien date, it would be subject to both the personal property tax and the use tax.

[PDF] California's Taxation of Vesels, Vehicles, and Aircraft: Out-of-State Purchases

Altogether, there are 13 exemp- tions in the use tax law, ranging from purchases between family members to transfers between L e g i s L a t i v e a n a L y s t ’ s O f f i c e a n L a O R e p O R t related businesses.