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2002 Budget Analysis: Health and Social Services, Department of Social Services CalWORKs Program (5180)

Under this system, known as the proposed county administrative budget (PCAB) process, the department reviews the counties' PCAB requests for consistency with state law and workload needs and adjusts the county funding requests accordingly.

2002 Budget Analysis: Health and Social Services, Foster Care

Los Angeles County will be reviewed in addition to two other counties. The two additional counties will be notified several months i n advance of the on-site review. County Interviews on Seven Factors .

2002 Budget Analysis: Health and Social Services, Food Stamps Program

Administrative costs are shared between the federal government (50  percent), the state (35  percent), and the counties (15  percent). California Food Assistance Program Federal Restrictions on Benefits for Noncitizens.

2002 Budget Analysis: Resources, Department of Pesticide Regulation (3930)

A Small Number of Counties Have a Significant Amount of Noncompliance. Our review of the individual county data shows that of the counties covered by the report, six located in the Central Valley are among the worst performing counties in the state for pesticide regulation compliance.

2002 Budget Analysis: Resources, State Water Resources Control Board (3940)

Rather than issue a separate permit to every city, regional boards generally issue a municipal stormwater permit to a county, with individual cities as "copermittees. " Issuing an areawide permit is more cost-efficient and is appropriate particularly when cities drain into a single county storm drain system.

2002 Budget Analysis: Resources, Department of Toxic Substances Control (3960)

The main activity of CPCFA is to issue bonds (sometimes tax-exempt) on behalf of private borrowers for the acquisition, construction, or installation of pollution control facilities. The authority charges fees to borrowers for its services and accordingly has built up a fund balance from these fees since the mid-1980s.

2002 Budget Analysis: Resources, Department of Fish and Game (3600)

Fe es are paid to the county clerk at the time of filing the final CEQA documents. Fees are then remitted monthly to DFG. For 2000-01, the department collected $1.8  million in environmental filing fee revenues.

2002 Budget Analysis: Transportation, Motor Vehicle Account Condition

Additionally, Article XIX of the State Constitution requires that revenues collected by state fees and taxes on vehicles or their use or operation must be used for vehicle regulation and traffic enforcement.

[PDF] Highlights of the 2003-04 Analysis and P&I

Realigning Some Programs Make Sense " Under the administration’s plan, the state would increase taxes by more than $8 billion and shift this funding to counties and courts, along with a similar amount of program obligations.

LAO 2003 Budget Analysis: Capital Outlay, Department of Corrections (5240)

The prison system also includes 16 community correctiona l facilities operated by private firms, cities, or counties under contract with CDC. A new maximum-security prison is under construction adjacent to the existing North Kern State P rison in Delano.