Results for 서울시 tax

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Congestion Relief Transportation Trust Fund #2

Fiscal Effect The measure would transfer certain state sales tax revenues from the General Fund to transportation-related purposes in two phases. Beginning in 2002-03, the measure would redirect the state sales tax revenues from the sale and lease of motor vehicles to transportation.

Transportation Investment Fund

The TIF will expire June 30, 2006, and these gasoline sales tax revenues will thereafter remain in the General Fund and will be available for vari ous transportation and nontransportation purposes. Fiscal Effect The measure would transfer on a permanent basis beginning 2006-07, state gasoline sales tax revenues that are deposited in the General Fund to transportation-related purposes.

[PDF] Use of state gasoline sales tax revenues for transportation purposes

Bill Lockyer 2 May 10, 2001 these gasoline sales tax revenues will thereafter remain in the General Fund and will be available for various transportation and nontransportation purposes. Fiscal Effect The measure would transfer on a permanent basis beginning 2006-07, state gasoline sales tax revenues that are deposited in the General Fund to transportation-related purposes.

2001 Initiative Analysis: California Evans Child Protection Act

The alcohol beverage tax is estimated to raise $290  million in 2001-02. In addition, the sales tax is levied on the sale of alcoholic beverages. The excise tax is included in the tax base on which the sales tax is calculated.

2001 Initiative Analysis: Labeling of Genetically Engineered Foods

To the extent these costs are incurred by retail and other food businesses, they will reduce their taxable business profits and thus state income tax revenues. Likewise, to the ext ent that these various costs are borne by consumers through higher product prices, this may reduce sales volumes and business profits, and thus income tax revenues.

[PDF] Labeling of foods that contain or were produced with genetically engineered materials

To the extent these costs are incurred by retail and other food businesses, they will reduce their taxable business profits and thus state income tax revenues. Likewise, to the extent that these various costs are borne by consumers through higher product prices, this may reduce sales volumes and business profits, and thus income tax reve- nues.

[PDF] People's Gaming Act

In addition, surrounding local governments could receive increased revenues from taxes relating to secondary economic activity in their areas resulting from the gaming operations. SUMMARY This initiative could result in revenues to the state and local governments— potentially in the hundreds of millions of dollars annually—from fees and taxes associ- ated with Las Vegas- and Atlantic City-type operations and other related economic activity.

2001 Initiative Analysis: Traffic Congestion Relief and Safe School Buses Act (Version 1)

Key Provisions The measure sets up a new Traffic Congestion Relief and Safe School Bus Trust Fund (TCRSSBTF) and transfers from the state General Fund into the new fund 30  percent of the sales tax revenue from the lease and sale of new and used motor vehicles.

[PDF] Use of sales tax revenues derived from the lease and sale of motor vehicles for transportation purposes

Use of sales tax revenues derived from the lease and sale of motor vehicles for transportation purposes SENATE ASSEMBLY DICK ACKERMAN ROY ASHBURN DEDE ALPERT PATRICIA C. BATES JIM BATTIN JACKIE GOLDBERG K.

2001 Initiative Analysis: Traffic Congestion Relief and Safe School Buses Act (Version 2)

Key Provisions The measure sets up a new Traffic Congestion Relief and Safe School Bus Trust Fund (TCRSSBTF) and transfers from the General Fund into the new fund the sales tax revenue from the s ale of new passenger vehicles, excluding sport utility vehicles (SUVs) and housecars (that is, motor homes).