Results for 서울시 tax

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California Tax Policy And the Internet [Publication Details]

Jan 31, 2000 - California Tax Policy And the Internet [Publication Details] Translate Our Website This Google ™ translation feature provided on the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) website is for informational purposes only.

[PDF] Evaluating State Economic Stimulus Proposals

Similarly, a tax reduction also may increase employment, spending, and investment in the private sector by increasing residents’ after-tax incomes. These direct economic effects can increase the overall size of the state’s economy provided they do not “crowd out” other economic activity, as we discuss below. • Multiplier Effects.

[PDF] 1956 Budget Analysis: Index

~~~~f::t;~~~~~~~============================================;=== :~~ Pacific Marine Fisheries _______________________________________________ 439 Poultry Improvement ------------------.:.--_________________________ -46, 614 Public Utilities _________________________________________________ ~ _____ 582 Recreation __________________________________________________________ 591 San Francisco Bay ~rea

[PDF] 1963 Budget Analysis: Parks and Recreation

The second approach would be to use these data to determine the perllentage of total gasoline taxes collected by the State derived from gasoline sold for boating purposes and to apply this percentage to any future year'is gasoline tax collections as representing the total amount of such taxes paid upon gasoline consumed in boating activities in

Property Tax Administration Funding Not Ideal Approach [Publication Details]

Feb 17, 2000 - Property Tax Administration Funding Not Ideal Approach [Publication Details] Translate Our Website This Google ™ translation feature provided on the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) website is for informational purposes only.

2002-03 May Revision

Regarding tax increases, an important quest ion is whether the Governor's proposed changes are preferable to, for example, a reduction in some tax expenditures such as credits, deductions, and exemptions.

[PDF] The 1993-94 State Budget: Perspectives and Issues

The 1993-94 State Budget: Perspectives and Issues Tax expenditures: Repeal renters' credit Repeal small business health care tax credit Subtotal $0.8 0.1 $0.9 a Figures reflect both 1992-93 and 1993-94 effects.

[PDF] A Primer on the Vehicle License Fee An LAO

..................................................... 6 IS THE VLF TAX DEDUCTIBLE? ................................................................... 7 WOULD LOCAL GOVERNMENTS BE AFFECTED BY A VLF TAX CUT?

[PDF] A Primer: The State's Infrastructure and the Use of Bonds

What should be the ultimate source of funding for infrastructure investments, regardless of the financing approach used—general taxes, selective taxes, user charges, or some other alternative? Acknowledgments This report was prepared by Jon David Vasché, Dana Curry, Mark Newton, and Robert Ingenito.

[PDF] Reform and Regulate California's Timber Industry

These activities would be funded by a 33 percent tax on timber harvested on state land and an 8 percent tax on timber harvested on private land. The chief executive officer of the Forest Conservation and Resource Management Department would be elected by popular vote and confirmed by the Legislature.