Results for 서울시 tax

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[PDF] "The Motorist Protection Act"

Moreover, by capping the fees and taxes assessed on commercial vehicles, the measure would result in an annual reduction in commercial vehicle license fee revenues of between $700 million and $800 million.

2003 Initiative Analysis: Citizens to End the Car Tax (version 2)

The state would also experience increases in personal income tax (PIT) and corporation tax (CT) revenues due to a decrease in VLF-related deductions and the corresponding increase in taxable income. Revenue gains to the General Fund from increased PIT and CT revenues would be roughly  $200  million annually.

Tax Limitation Act of 1998

Proposal This measure provides for restrictions on establishing new taxes and regulatory fees and on increasing existing ones. State Taxes . The measure provides that any increases in state taxes made by the Legislature (whether by increased rates or changes in methods of computation, any other increase in an existing tax, or any new tax) require a two-thirds vote in both houses of the Legislature.

[PDF] Tax Limitation Act of 1998

PROPOSAL This measure provides for restrictions on establishing new taxes and regulatory fees and on increasing existing ones. State Taxes. The measure provides that any increases in state taxes made by the Legislature (whether by increased rates or changes in methods of computation, any other increase in an existing tax, or any new tax) require a two-thirds vote in both houses of the Legislature.

Electric Vehicles

In addition, a federal clean-fuel vehicle tax deducti on is available of up to $2,000 of the incremental purchase price or conversion cost of a vehicle for which the credit has not been claimed. State Tax Incentives.

[PDF] Electric vehicles

In addition, a federal clean-fuel vehicle tax deduction is available of up to $2,000 of the incremental purchase price or conversion cost of a vehicle for which the credit has not been claimed. State Tax Incentives.

"The Gaming Control Act"

(Although in the latter instance the positive revenue impact would be less, as economic activity on Indian lands is generally not taxed.) Gross Revenue Tax. The 10 percent gross revenue tax on the Palm Springs' video gambling machines could result in tax revenues in the low tens of millions of dollars for added support of local public safety functions.

[PDF] The Gaming Control Act

(Al- though in the latter instance the positive revenue impact would be less, as economic activity on Indian lands is generally not taxed.) Hon. Daniel E. Lungren 4 March 13, 1998 Gross Revenue Tax. The 10 percent gross revenue tax on the Palm Springs’ video gambling machines could result in tax revenues in the low tens of millions of dollars for added support of local public safety functions.

Tax credit for health insurance and establishing a State Health Insurance Fund

Tax Credit for Health Coverage The measure establishes a new tax credit for health care coverage. Under Existing Law . The cost of employee benefits, including health coverage, is a deductible business expense for employers under either the Personal Income Tax (PIT) or the Bank and Corporation Ta x (B &CT).

[PDF] Tax credit for health insurance and State Health Insurance Fund

TAX CREDIT FOR HEALTH COVERAGE The measure establishes a new tax credit for health care coverage. Under Existing Law. The cost of employee benefits, including health coverage, is a deductible business expense for employers under either the Personal Income Tax (PIT) or the Bank and Corporation Tax (B&CT).