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Transportation (29)
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Results for quezon city transfer of ownership in Transportation

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The 2017-18 Budget: Overview of the Governor’s Transportation Budget

Jan 18, 2017 - The budget assumes a total of $1.6  billion in transportation revenues shared with cities and counties to support local streets and roads —an increase of $317  million, or 24  percent, above the estimated current-year level.

Review of High-Speed Rail Draft 2016 Business Plan

Mar 17, 2016 - Specifically, the IOS North would connect Diridon Station in downtown San Jose to an agricultural area north of the city of Shafter in the Central Valley. Because the southern terminus of the line would be roughly 50 miles south of the last station, HSRA plans to build an interim station at the southern terminus north of Shafter.

The 2016-17 Budget: Transportation Proposals

Feb 23, 2016 - Eliminate General Fund Transfer. As mentioned earlier, the MVA receives about $80  million in miscellaneous revenues that are not limited in their use by the California Constitution. Under existing law, these revenues are transferred to the General Fund, making them unavailable to support MVA expenditures.

Appropriating Proposition 1B Funds [Publication Details]

Feb 21, 2007 - Proposition 1B authorizes about $20 billion in bond funds for transportation. The measure allocates specific amounts of bond funding for particular transportation uses, and requires that the funding be subject to legislative appropriation.

Funding for Transportation Programs [Publication Details]

Feb 23, 2006 - Furthermore, he proposes to permanently firewall Proposition 42 funds after 2006-07 by prohibiting suspension of the transfer from the General Fund. We highlight a number of policy issues that the Legislature should consider as it reviews the Governor's proposals.

Transportation Needs Stable Long-Term Funding [Publication Details]

Feb 18, 2004 - State transportation funding has not kept pace with increasing travel for various reasons, including the fund transfers noted above. Stabilizing transportation funding would increase the efficiency of transportation expenditures.

Governor’s Transportation Proposal [Publication Details]

Feb 18, 2004 - This includes suspending in 2004-05 the transfer of $1.1 billion derived from the sales tax on gasoline to the Transportation Investment Fund. Reports by Policy Area

Condition of Transportation Funds [Publication Details]

Feb 20, 2002 - We recommend adoption of budget bill language (a) limiting the transfer from the State Highway Account (SHA) to the Traffic Congestion Relief Fund (TCRF) and (b) providing increased flexibility for transferring TCRF money to the General Fund.

A Primer on the Vehicle License Fee [Publication Details]

Jun 17, 1998 - A Primer on the Vehicle License Fee [Publication Details] Description: The VLF is a fee on the ownership of a registered vehicle that provides nearly $4 billion in annual revenues. This report is intended to answer a number of questions related to the VLF.