Results for irish state pension

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TANF and SLOF adjustments for Cal Grant program.

Mar 15, 2013 - The state, in turn, increased its share of CalWORKs support. These actions helped the state meet the CalWORKs maintenance-of-effort (MOE) requirement (whereby a certain level of state support must be maintained).

Cal Grant funding.

Mar 15, 2013 - The proposed increases are needed to fully fund Cal Grants under current state law. Further Detail Background Cal Grants Provide Students With Financial Aid to Help With College Costs. The state ’s Cal Grant program guarantees financial aid awards to recent high school graduates and community college transfer students who meet financial, academic, and other eligibility cri teria.

Collective bargaining for CSU employee health care premiums.

Mar 15, 2013 - The CSU and the state are subject to different statutes governing collective bargaining. The State Employer-Employee Relations Act of 1978, known as the Ralph C. Dills Act (Dills Act), established collective bargaining for state government employees.

After Furloughs: State Workers' Leave Balances [Publication Details]

Mar 14, 2013 - After Furloughs: State Workers' Leave Balances [Publication Details] Video Description: Over the past five budget years, furloughs reduced state employee compensation costs by about $5 billion in exchange for giving state employees additional time off.

Reject Governor's proposal to suspend elections mandates

Mar 13, 2013 - Analysis and Recommendations State Has Interest in Election Uniformity. The state has a significant interest in maintaining uniformity in its elections. Many of the state ’s elected officials serve districts that span multiple counties.

Governor’s January budget adjustments.

Mar 13, 2013 - Governor Does Not Apply Any Proposition  98 Increases to State Preschool Program. The Governor ’s proposed approach for funding the State Preschool program mirrors that for the non-CalWORKs child care programs.

Letter to the Honorable Luis Alejo regarding SDWSRF [Publication Details]

Mar 13, 2013 - Letter to the Honorable Luis Alejo, Chair, Assembly Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials Committee, evaluating the administration and peformance of the Safe Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (SDWSRF).

Administration's trailer bill proposal related to attorney's fee awards

Mar 13, 2013 - Why Not Apply This Law to Other State Fee and Tax Refund Cases? The proposed trailer bill does not appear to us to apply to cases affecting all state taxes and fees. Instead, it focuses on cases affecting taxes and fees administered by FTB and BOE.

Overview of EDD and ALRB Programs [Publication Details]

Mar 12, 2013 - Presented to Assembly Budget Subcommittee No. 4 on State Administration

Budget for State Active Duty (SAD) employees

Mar 8, 2013 - Budget for State Active Duty (SAD) employees Budget for State Active Duty (SAD) employees Program: California Military Department (CMD) Finding or Recommendation: Reduce CMD's budget in 2013-14 by $600,000 in General Fund and $700,000 in federal funds to reflect the middle salary range of State Active Duty employees, consistent with CMD's actual expenditures and the practice in most state departments.