Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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The 2017-18 Budget: Alternatives to the Governor’s Proposition 2 Proposals

Feb 23, 2017 - Proposition  2 also made eligible reimbursements for pre ‑2004 mandate claims from cities, counties, and special districts, but the 2014 ‑15 budget paid off these outstanding claims. We describe each of the remaining eligible liabilities in greater detail below.

A Review of California's Compulsory Education Laws

The counties selected were a stratified sample representing a mix of small, medium, and large counties. Of the 20  counties from which we requested information, 15 provided us with data to complete this report.

The 2013-14 Budget: California’s Fiscal Outlook

Under current federal law, many federal taxes are scheduled to rise in 2013 —potentially increasing tax liabilities of about 90 percent of the population. The following tax increases (or end to temporary tax reductions) are scheduled to occur as part of the fiscal cliff: The end of the “Bush tax cuts ” (which

Proposition 172—How Did it Affect Spending for Public Safety [Publication Details]

Jun 9, 1994 - On November 2, 1993, California voters enacted Proposition 172, which established a permanent statewide half-cent sales tax for support of local public safety functions in cities and counties.

Achieving Better Outcomes for Adult Probation [Publication Details]

May 29, 2009 - Achieving Better Outcomes for Adult Probation [Publication Details] Video Description: We conclude that opportunities exist to both improve public safety and reduce state costs by better aligning the county probation and state correctional systems.

Counties and Design-Build [Publication Details]

Jan 12, 2010 - Counties and Design-Build [Publication Details] PDF Description: This report presents a summary of reports received by the LAO from California counties on construction projects that they completed with the design-build delivery method.

Fiscal Oulook 2001, Chapter 4

It is levied in place of taxing vehicles as personal property, and the revenues are distributed to cities and counties. The Legislature reduced the fee —which was set at 2  percent of the depreciated value of a vehicle —by 25  percent in calendar year 1999, 35  percent in 2000, and 67.5  percent in 2001 and thereafter.

LAO 2009-10 Budget Analysis Series: County Welfare Automation (5180)

LAO 2009-10 Budget Analysis Series: County Welfare Automation (5180) County Welfare Automation As noted above, while DSS oversees the administration of California ’s social services programs, most services are delivered by 58 separate county welfare departments.

[PDF] LAO Parole Realignment Proposal: Additional Options

Figure 3 Parole Realignment Alternatives: Two Examples of County Costs and State Savings LAO Original

[PDF] Focus Budget 1992 Local Government Funding

This is because AB 1344 contains the formula for distributing the remaining trial court funding block grants to counties and, without a statutory formula, the Controller will be unable to distribute approxi- mately $430 million to counties.