Results for 서울시 tax

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[PDF] The 2002-03 Senate Budget Bill SB 1261 (Peace)

Increased taxes on cigarettes of 50 cents per pack (for a total of $1.37 per pack), generating an estimated $475 million. Various revenue accelerations, additional withholding, and tax compliance measures, generating a revenue increase of $582 million.

A Review of the 2002 California Infrastructure Plan

Financing for transportation (almost half of the plan's total fiscal effect) is almost entirely "pay-as-you-go " —that is, funded from an annual stream of state and federal taxes on gasoline. The remainder of the plan —almost entirely a General Fund responsibility —is proposed to be funded from bonds.

Overview of the 2003-04 Governor's Budget

New Taxes to Fund Realignment The budget would raise a net of $8.2  billion in new taxes to fund the shift of a like amount of health and social services responsibilities to local governments. The tax increases consist of (1)  a 1  percent increase in the sales and use tax (SUT), (2)  the imposition of 10  percent and 11  percent

[PDF] Overview of the 2003-04 May Revision

Partial- ly offsetting this is projected tax revenue increas- es, totaling about $400 million, due to favorable trends in personal income tax withholding, corporation tax prepayments, insurance premi- um taxes, and estate taxes.

Overview of the 2005-06 May Revision

California's Tax Amnesty Program The Basic Program California created a limited-term tax amnesty program as part of its enacted 2004-05 budget. Its last amnesty program was in 1984-85. The new amnesty program applied to the three major General Fund taxes —the personal income tax, corporation tax, and sales and use tax.

[PDF] Funding for Transportation: What the New Federal Act Means for California

Highways: Guarantees “donor states” a minimum of 90.5 percent return on state fuel tax contributions in 2005 and 2006, 91.5 percent in 2007, and 92.0 percent in 2008 and 2009. Provides incentives for private sector participation in construction of major trans- portation facilities.

[PDF] 2008-09 Overview of the Governor's Budget

For example, through December, combined receipts from the largest three taxes were down $1.7 billion from the budget act, which itself had assumed only modest growth. Although income tax withhold- ing has been running somewhat ahead of expec- tations, other income tax payments, corporate tax payments, and sales and use tax revenues have all come up short.

[PDF] 1947 Budget Analysis: Transmittal Letter

. _________ 364 Reduction in Salaries and "Wages Recommended ________________ 366 Alcoholic Beverage Control Division ______________________________ 367 Headquarters Administration ____________________________________ 367 Bureau of Tax Assessments ______________________________________ 368 District Liquor Control Offices __________________________________ 368 Motor Vehicle Fuel


Recommendation It is recommended that a fund in the amount of at least $500,000 be established out of revenues accruing from the pari-mutuel horse race tax for the purpose of meeting emergency requirements for eradication and conil'ol of agricultural pests.