Results for 서울시 tax

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[PDF] 1949 Budget Analysis: EMERGENCY FUND

We recommend that the amottnt reqttested be allowed, and that appropriate legislation be passed to limit the amount of intere-st which may be paid on overpayment of the Gross Premi1tm'S Insurance Tax to 6 pm'cent.

[PDF] 1951 Budget Analysis: LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL

J,te Gov- ernment, including the Legislature, executive, general administration and fiscal affairs, regulation of business and tax collection, conservation of natural resources, military and veterans affairs, and other miscel- laneous activities.

[PDF] 1951 Budget Analysis: Department of Employment

This is true of its basic struGture and organization, its employees who are subject to l state civil service to the same degree as any other group of state employees, of the tax rates paid by employers, and the scale of benefit payments made to unemployed workers.

[PDF] 1959 Budget Analysis: Water Resources

Should the State make payments to local agencies in lieu of taxes foregone~ 6. What public attitudes toward water would impede or support carrying out a state water plan ~ 7. Ought the number of local water agencies be reduced to simplify the tasks of local control, state supervision and financial aid f 8.

[PDF] 1960 Budget Analysis: Miscellaneous

We understand the State Printer quotes a price of $1.13 per thousand on these cards (sales tax and delivery in- cluded) whereas, a large data processing machine firm has quoted a price of $1.03 per thousand (without sales tax and delivery costs).

[PDF] 1961 Budget Analysis: Fiscal

The Franchise Tax Board spends about the same amount on field audits for both taxes ($809,000 for personal income tax and $832,000 for franchise tax) although the franchise tax audits are almost three times as productive. 2.

[PDF] 1961 Budget Analysis: Index

. ____ ~_____________________________ 687 Franchise Tax _______________________________________________________ 360 IIorse Racing ________________________________________________________ 644 Motor Vehicle Pollution ControL _______________________________________ 631 Personnel ___________________________________________________________ 26 .

[PDF] 1967 Budget Analysis: Transmittal

This will tend to reduce the amount collected in each of the state taxes for 1967-68. In view of these factors the cash revenue estimate of $2,710.4 million on the existing tax base appears to be a sound estimate for 1967-68.

[PDF] 1969 Budget Analysis: Transportation Agency

When the difference is adjusted for merit salary increases, sales tax, and new equipment, the net difference is $7,157,605. This is 7.08 percent greater than the January, 1967, pro- jection. The increase in cost is shown by cause in Table 3.

[PDF] 1983-84 Budget Analysis: Miscellaneous

Senior Citizens' Property Tax Deferral We recommend approval of funds for Ch 1242/77. The Senior Citizens' Property Tax Postponement program allows per- sons 62 years of age or olaer with low or moderate incomes to defer payment for all or a portion of the property taxes on their residences.