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LAO 2006 Budget Analysis: Juvenile Justice

In addition, the plan envisions transferring a few male wards with significant medical, ment al, or developmental needs to alternative providers (such as county programs). A key element of the plan involves gradually reducing the number of wards in each living unit to less than 40.

[PDF] LAO 2006-07 Budget Analysis: Judicial and Criminal Justice

LAO 2006-07 Budget Analysis: Judicial and Criminal Justice D - Judicial and Criminal Justice 2006-07 Analysis Custody Assistants Would Save State Money Some county jails utilize non-peace officer personnel (“cus- tody assistants”) for custody-related tasks that do not require direct control of inmates.

LAO 2006 Budget Analysis: California Community Colleges (6870)

As a result of tax base differences that predate Proposition 13 in 1978, coupled with complex district allocation formulas, community college districts receive different amounts of funding to serve their students.

LAO 2006 Budget Analysis: Office of Emergency Services (0690)

This proposal would provide General Fund support to enhance existing local and regional teams and to establis h programs in counties where they do not already exist. Funding would be allocated to counties with 200 or more registered sex offenders (about 40 counties) based on each county’s proportionate share of the offending population.

LAO 2006 Budget Analysis: California Department of Food and Agriculture (8570)

Finally, the department provides financial and administrative assistance to county and district fairs. The budget proposes expenditures of $285 million and 1,837 personnel-years in 2006-07 for the department, including $105 million from the Agriculture Fund and $92 million from the General Fund.

LAO 2006 Budget Analysis: Department of Veterans Affairs and Veterans’ Homes of California (8950-8966)

The department also helps eligible veterans and their depend ents obtain federal and state benefits by providing (1) claims representation, (2) subventions to county veterans service offices, and (3) educational assistance.

LAO 2006 Budget Analysis: Local Government Financing (9210)

This program provides funds ($1.6爉illion) to backfill property tax revenues lost by local governments due to specified natural disasters. Booking Fees. The administration proposes $40爉illion to reestablish payments to local agencies paying jail booking fees to counties.

[PDF] LAO 2006-07 Budget Analysis: Health and Social Services

Reject Freeze for County Administration of Health and Human Services Programs The Governor proposes to freeze future state participation in county administrative costs for health and social services programs at the 2005-06 level.

LAO 2006 Budget Analysis: Getting Better Budget Information

Additionally, the administration also prepares each year information indicating how Proposition 99 tobacco tax revenues are proposed to be distributed in the current and budget yea rs under the budget plan for various state departments and specific programs (mainly for health, tobacco education, and resources).

LAO 2006 Budget Analysis: Medi-Cal (4260)

Specifically, the lawsuit is expected to assert that the clawback requirement impermissibly infringes on states’ legislative power by requiring them to pay for a federal program, in effect imposing a federal tax on states and infringing on state sovereignty with an invalid condition on the receipt of federal funds.