Results for 서울시 tax

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[PDF] Should the State Consolidate Its Revenue Agencies?

Legislative Analyst’s Office Presented to: Senate Committee on Revenue and Taxation June 10, 2009 LAO The Administration’s Proposal Consolidate all or parts of FTB, BOE, and EDD into a new Department of Revenue The Board of Equalization would serve primarily as a tax appeals board A Governor’s appointee would head the new department 1

[PDF] Education Budget Overview

Test 1—Percent of General Fund Revenues Approximately 34.7 percent of General Fund plus local property taxes. Requires that K-12 schools and the California Community Colleges (CCC) receive at least the same share of state General Fund tax revenues as in 1986-87.

[PDF] Proposition 98: Overview of Conference Issues

In 2013-14, 2014-15, and 2015-16 combined, LAO General Fund tax revenue is $3.2 billion above the administration. Over the same period, LAO property tax revenue is $241 million above the administration.  Minimum Guarantee Under Assembly Plan.

[PDF] Special Session Overview of Proposition 98 Budget

Drops in property tax revenues going to schools results in higher General Fund costs for Proposition 98. Update on Property Tax Revenues for Schools Comparison of Property Tax Estimates (In Millions) 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 Governor’s proposala $15,023 $16,143 $16,107 LAO estimate 14,631 15,683 15,520 Difference -$392 -$460 -$587 a Does not update property tax estimates.

[PDF] Overview of the Governor's Proposition 98 May Revision Proposal

Overview of the Governor's Proposition 98 May Revision Proposal January; Budget May;; Revision Change K-12;Education General Fund $30,844 $32,022 $1,178 $32,023 $30,927 -$1,096 Local property tax revenue 13,237 12,105 -1,133 11,950 11,529 -422 Subtotals ($44,082) ($44,127) ($45) ($43,974) ($42,456) (-$1,518) California;Community;Colleges General Fund $3,722 $3,722 — $3,981 $3,991

[PDF] AB 3632 Mental Health Services

Possible sources include federal special education funding, Proposition 98 funding, local property taxes (including funds redirected from redevelopment projects), and/or Proposition 63 funds.  Convene Work Group to Address Transitional Issues.

[PDF] Proposition 98: Overview of May Revision Proposals

Increase of $2.7 billion due to baseline improvements.  Tax Proposals. Net decrease of $375 million from Governor’s January General Fund tax proposal.  If Governor’s May General Fund tax package were rejected, minimum guarantee would decrease by $1.7 billion.  Rebenching.

[PDF] State Budget Update Presented to CA Charter Schools Conference

.  Assumes voters approve November 2012 tax measure.  Proposes $5.4 billion in trigger reductions if measure fails.

[PDF] Overview of Proposition 98 Budget Proposals

Governor’s Estimates of the Proposition 98 Minimum Guarantee (In Millions) 2017-18 2018-19 Change From 2017-18 RevisedEnacted Revised Change Estimated Minimum Guarantee $74,523 $75,211 $687 $78,324 $3,114 Funding sources: General Fund $52,631 $52,741 $109 $54,564 $1,823 Local property tax 21,892 22,470 578 23,761 1,291 2L E G I S L A T I V E A N A L Y S T ’ S O F F I C E February

[PDF] Non-Education Mandates and the 2012-13 State Budget

Most of these mandates pertain to public safety or tax collection.  Proposes to “Repeal” (Render Optional) 32 Mandates. The administration proposes trailer bill language to specify that these provisions are not required.  All of these mandates have been suspended for at least two years; seven have been suspended since 1990.  To ensure that these mandates are not reactivated if