Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada

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An Overview of K-12 School Finance in California [Publication Details]

Feb 24, 1983 - An Overview of K-12 School Finance in California [Publication Details] Translate Our Website This Google ™ translation feature provided on the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) website is for informational purposes only.

The 1983-84 Budget: Perspectives and Issues [Publication Details]

Feb 1, 1983 - Estimated expenditures in 1982-83 are $1.5 billion greater than estimated resources available in the current year. Thus, unless actions are taken by the Legislature prior to June 30, 1983, or the economy (and hence revenues) performs better than anticipated, the state will end 1983 with a deficit of approximately $1.6 billion.

Community Education of Children Residing in State Hospitals [Publication Details]

Feb 1, 1983 - The Departments of Developmental Services (DDS) and Mental Health (DMH) administer programs for developmentally and mentally disabled persons at 11 state hospitals. The State Department of Education (SDE) and local education agencies (county offices of education and school districts) are responsible for providing community-based education and related services to children with special needs.

Summary of Recommendations in the Analysis of the 1983-84 Budget Bill [Publication Details]

Feb 1, 1983 - In the Analysis of the Budget Bill for 1983-84, we report the results of our detailed examination of the Governor's spending proposals for the coming budget year. This document summarizes, by program area, the principal findings and recommendations set forth in the Analysis. It also provides information on the net effect of these recommendations on the state's fiscal condition.

An Analysis of the Governor's Proposals Regarding the 1982-83 Deficit [Publication Details]

Jan 24, 1983 - The Legislative Analyst cautions the Legislature against following the Governor's recommendation to carry over a deficit into fiscal year 1983-84, and that instead they should act to balance the state's budget now.

Annual Report of the Legislative Analyst Fiscal Year 1981-82 [Publication Details]

Jan 1, 1983 - Annual Report of the Legislative Analyst Fiscal Year 1981-82 [Publication Details] Translate Our Website This Google ™ translation feature provided on the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) website is for informational purposes only.

The 1982-83 Budget: Perspectives and Issues [Publication Details]

Feb 1, 1982 - In terms of real purchasing power, the Governor's Budget for 1982-83 is 3.5 percent lower than the budget for the current year. The General Fund portion of the Governor's Budget will be in balance only if several critical assumptions underlying the budget are borne out.

The Economic and Fiscal Impacts of California's Aircraft Ground Time Exemption [Publication Details]

Jan 1, 1979 - The provisions of Chapter 1169 are effective for the 1974-75 through 1979-80 fiscal years, after which time the specified exclusions from the formula become inoperative. Chapter 1169 also requires the Legislative Analyst to report to the Legislature on the economic and revenue effects of this exemption.

LAO Publications

This should enable CMD to provide support to CMI and PMI if these schools choose to allocate some of their Proposit ion 98 funds to supplement their staffing with CMD personnel. Format:

LAO Publications

Thus, without corrective actions, the state’s huge operating shortfalls will reappear in future years—growing from $12.6 billion in 2010–11 to $26 billion in 2013–14. Format: 2009-10 Budget Analysis Series March 13, 2009 - Due to the very serious nature of the state’s fiscal problems and the likelihood that the Legislature will be discussing budget issues on a more accelerated