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[PDF] The 2011-12 Budget: California Community College Fees

. – Are attempting to transfer or acquire a certificate or degree. • Designed for students who: – Already have a bachelor’s degree. – Carry any unit load. – Seek to transfer or obtain a degree/cer- tificate—or simply upgrade job skills. • Designed for any student not qualifying for a tax credit. • Provides full benefits at adjusted income of up to $160,000 for

[PDF] 1959 Budget Analysis: Employment

A summary of the transactions of the Department of Employment Contingent Fund is given on budget page 728, which indicates that all accumulated surplus in excess of $100,000, at June 30, 1960; namely, $557,421, is to be transfered to the General Fund of the State.

[PDF] Initiative Letter

This measure also authorizes, but does not require, law enforcement officials to transfer individuals who are determined to be unlawfully present in the United States to federal custody. Sanctions for Employing Undocumented Immigrants.

[PDF] An Overview of the 1990-91 Governor's Budget

As the amount ofGeneral Fund revenues available for new spending in the budget (excluding revenues attributable to the temporary sales tax enacted to fund earthquake relief efforts and other transfers proposed in the budget).

[PDF] 1969 Budget Analysis: Judicial Branch

Assigned Judges Program The funding for this program consists of a separate budget item of $235,000 and an additional $60,000 to be transferred from estimated salary savings in the budget item relating to the state's share of judicial salaries.

[PDF] Death Penalty. Procedures. Initiative Statute.

For example, if male inmates were transferred to other prisons instead of being housed in single cells at San Quentin, it could reduce housing and supervision costs. In addition, to the extent the measure resulted in additional executions that reduced the number of condemned inmates, prison costs could be further reduced.  In total, this reduction in state prison costs could potentially reach the tens of millions of dollars annually.

[PDF] Overview of State Governance: K-12 Education

.  Constitutional Convention Reduced the Authority of the State Board in 1879  Delegates to California’s second Constitutional Convention decided to decentralize education governance by transferring most duties the Legislature had assigned to the state board to county boards of education.  Over the next few decades, the state board functioned primarily as an advisory body to

[PDF] Budget Reserve Proposals

Transfers can be suspended or reduced by order of the Governor.  Funds in the reserves can be transferred to the General Fund through a majority vote of the Legislature and approval of the Governor.  Proposition 98 Minimum Guarantee  Proposition 98 establishes funding requirement for schools and community colleges, known as the minimum guarantee.  Minimum

2010 Initiative Analysis: Support Federal Immigration Law Act

This measure also authorizes, but does not require, law enforcement officials to transfer individuals who are determined to be unlawfully present in the United States to federal custody. Sanctions for Employing Undocumented Immigrants.

The 2012-13 Budget: Developmental Services Budget Update

Transfer Prevention Program to Family Resource Centers ($8 Million). The Early Start Prevention Program, geared for children between the ages of 0 and 35 months who are at risk for a developmental disability, was eliminated and then transferred to the Family Resource Centers.