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Building Permits Update: June 2018 [EconTax Blog]

Aug 3, 2018 - June was an exceptional month for multifamily permits in Los Angeles County. 4,017 multifamily units very permitted in Los Angeles in June. This is the single largest month for any metropolitan area in at least 30 years.

[PDF] The Neighborhood Legislature Reform Act

Harris 2 December 13, 2011 County Election Responsibilities. California counties are responsible for conducting elections, including: dividing each county into precincts, establishing and providing places for voting, maintaining voter registration records, printing ballots and sample ballots, and transmitting election results to the Secretary of State.

[PDF] The Neighborhood Legislature Reform Act

Harris 2 December 3, 2013 County Election Responsibilities. California counties are responsible for conducting elections, including: dividing each county into precincts, establishing and providing places for voting, maintaining voter registration records, printing ballots and sample ballots, and transmitting election results to the Secretary of State.

2013 Initiative Analysis: The Neighborhood Legislature Reform Act

County Election Responsibilities. California counties are responsible for conducting elections, including: dividing each county into precincts, establishing and providing places for voting, maintaining voter registration records, printing ballots and sample ballots, and transmitting election results to the Secretary of State.

2011 Initiative Analysis:The Neighborhood Legislature Reform Act

County Election Responsibilities. California counties are responsible for conducting elections, including: dividing each county into precincts, establishing and providing places for voting, maintaining voter registration records, printing ballots and sample ballots, and transmitting election results to the Secretary of State.

The 2017-18 Budget: California Department of Food and Agriculture

Feb 28, 2017 - Many of the department ’s activities are conducted in partnership with county agricultural commissioners and county sealers of weights and measures. The Governor ’s budget proposes $387  million from various funds for support of CDFA in 2017-18.

LAO 2009-10 Budget Analysis Series: Judicial and Criminal Justice: Realigning Programs

Counties would be financially responsible for reimbursing the Division of Juvenile Facilities (DJF), the formal name of the state agency frequently called the Division of Juvenile Justice, for any county youths placed in DJF facilities.

Building Permits Update: March 2018 [EconTax Blog]

May 3, 2018 - March was a strong month for single family home permitting in the greater Los Angeles area. 2,135 single family homes were permitted in Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, and San Bern ardino counties in March 2018.

[PDF] ERF Grants Round 1 Awards (In Millions) Jurisdiction Award

ERF Grants Round 1 Awards (In Millions) Jurisdiction Award Amount City of Fresno $5.0 City of Richmond 4.9 City of Oakland 4.7 City of Berkeley 4.7 City of Salinas 4.1 Orange County 3.7 Santa Barbara County 2.5 Santa Cruz County 2.4 City of San Jose 2.1 City of Redwood City 1.8 City of Vista 1.8 San Bernardino County 1.8 City of

Local Government Property Tax Transfers [Publication Details]

Feb 1, 1993 - Local Government Property Tax Transfers [Publication Details] Translate Our Website This Google ™ translation feature provided on the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) website is for informational purposes only.