Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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2005 Initiative Analysis: The Education Funding Protection Act

The constitutional requirements regarding imposition of these levies involve lower approval thresholds by the governing body and/or voters than is the case for taxes. For example, regulatory fees are subject to approval by (1) a majority vote of the Legislature (instead of a two-thirds vote that would be required for a state tax) or (2) the local governing board

[PDF] The Education Funding Protection Act

The constitutional requirements regarding imposition of these levies involve lower approval thresholds by the governing body and/or voters than is the case for taxes. For example, regulatory fees are subject to approval by (1) a majority vote of the Legislature (instead of a two-thirds vote that would be required for a state tax) or (2) the local governing board

2005 Initiative Analysis: The High Quality Classroom Act.

A portion of the additional revenue raised from the property tax increase would backfill losses to the General Fund resulting from declines in personal income tax and corpo ration tax revenues. These revenue declines would occur as a result of larger tax deductions associated with the increased property tax payments by commercial property owners.

[PDF] The High Quality Classroom Act.

A portion of the additional revenue raised from the property tax increase would backfill losses to the General Fund resulting from declines in personal income tax and corporation tax revenues. These revenue declines would occur as a result of larger tax deductions associated with the increased property tax payments by commercial property owners.

[PDF] California Spending Limit Restoration Act

Proceeds of Taxes. It defines “taxes” broadly to include (1) charges or fees for services that had been previously financed by tax revenues (except in the case of the judicial branch); (2) regulatory fees to the extent that the proceeds are used for purposes other than issuing licenses, permitting, and other forms of direct regulation; and (3) user fees for services where the service is provided to those not charged.

2005 Initiative Analysis: The High Quality Classroom Act.

A portion of the additional revenue raised from the property tax increase would backfill losses to the General Fund resulting from declines in personal income tax and corpo ration tax revenues. These revenue declines would occur as a result of larger tax deductions associated with the increased property tax payments by commercial property owners.

[PDF] The High Quality Classroom Act.

A portion of the additional revenue raised from the property tax increase would backfill losses to the General Fund resulting from declines in personal income tax and corporation tax revenues. These revenue declines would occur as a result of larger tax deductions associated with the increased property tax payments by commercial property owners.

2005 Initiative Analysis: Vote requirements to pass ballot measures

Likewise, Proposition  62, approved by the voters in 1986, requires the approval of new local general taxes in many cities by two-thirds of the governing body (as well as a majority of local voters).

[PDF] Vote requirements to pass ballot measures

Likewise, Proposition 62, approved by the voters in 1986, requires the approval of new local general taxes in many cities by two-thirds of the governing body (as well as a majority of local voters). New Vote Requirements.

[PDF] California Mimimum Wage Initiative

Counties would face additional costs of about $5 million in 2006-07 and $9 million in 2007-08 and thereafter. Medi-Cal Hospital Costs. Higher costs for hospital care paid through Medi- Cal would be unknown but significant.