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In fact, salaries and w_ages for this function are budgeted to decrease $5,288 or 3.8 per-. cent, due largely to a transfer of positions to another bureau. Operating expenses will increase $450 and equipment is budgeted at $1,449.

[PDF] 1949 Budget Analysis: INDEX

rancisco _____________________________________ 534 Fire Boats ________________________________________________________ 535 Services City Firemen-Promotion Publicity ___________________________ 535 Capital Outlay ____________________________________________________ 536 Hastings College of Law _________________________________________________ 212 Health, Department oL ____

[PDF] 1954 Budget Analysis: LOCAL ASSISTANCE

In comparing current year expenditures with the amount requested it should be noted, therefore, that $450,000 of the proposed $600,000 increase in this item is the result of the transfer of amounts requested for diagnosis from the sup- port. item to local assistance.

[PDF] 1956 Budget Analysis: Index

.: __ -'-____________________________________ A00, 658 Agricultural: Association, Sixth DistricL _________________________________________ 312, 655 County Commissioners, Compensation oL ________________________________ 837 Agriculture, Department oL ___________________________________________ 26, 613 Agriculture Fund SupporL ______________ ~______________________________ 41 Animal Industry,

[PDF] We further recommend adoption of Buaget Bill language

We further recommend adoption of Buaget Bill language authorizing a transfer of funds from Control. Section 22 to Item· 6870-001-001 to support administrative staff. (Reduce Item 6870-001-001 by $128,000 and amend Control Section 22.)

[PDF] The RCs generally only pay for services if an individual does

The RCs generally only pay for services if an individual does not have private insurance or they cannot refer an individual to so-called “generic” services that are provided at the local level by counties, cities, school districts, or other agencies.

Analysis of the 1995-96 Budget Bill: Business and Labor Overview

Due to a persistent decline in workload, we recommend that the Legislature eliminate the Agricultural Labor Relations Board and enact legislation transferring enforcement of the A gricultural Labor Relations Act to the Public Employment Relations Board.

1996-97 Budget Analysis: Transportation Overview

The reduction results from an expected decline in seismic retrofit workload, anticipat ed efficiencies, transfer of work to construction contractors, and a reduction in reimbursed work for local agencies.

1996-97 Budget Analysis: Resources, Part I

On July 1, 1995, the fund was statutorily abolished, and all its ass ets and liabilities were transferred to the General Fund. For 1996-97, departments and programs which relied on Section 8(g) funds are proposed to receive funding from the General Fund instead.