Results for quezon city transfer of ownership

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1997-98 Budget Analysis, General Government Departments Part 2

If a legal owner is not identified, the state assumes ownership of the property. According to the Controller's Office, the state currently holds in excess of $2  billion in unclaimed property belonging to approximately five million individuals and organizations.

1999-00 Perspectives and Issues: Overhauling the State's Infrastructure Planning and Financing Process

Currently, the state pays for state-owned infrastructure (suc h as universities, prisons, and state parks), but has also provided substantial infrastructure funding for local government (school districts, cities, counties, and special distric ts).


The same situation would occur with cities. If the Legislature wished to reallocate relief from cities to minimize mitigation costs, Compton and Pico Rivera would help transfer revenues to Beverly Hills.

[PDF] LAO 1999 Budget Analysis: General Government Chapter

Cities that maintain a computerized system may file a claim to have certain costs—administrative and operational—associated with providing the data to the department reimbursed by the state. The administration is proposing to suspend the tax reporting mandate and, therefore, eliminate the state’s financial responsibility to the cities.

2000 Budget Perspectives: Fiscal Challenge From Three Major Lawsuits

In its filings, Sonoma County argued that the state transferred part of its school fundi ng responsibility to local governments and, thus, under Article XIII B, Section 6, is eligible for reimbursement.

2000 Budget Analysis: Cap Outlay CSU 6610

The Web site also indicates that CSU received the 40 acres from the City of Palm Desert under a memorandum of understanding that would provide another 160 acres if CSU decide s to establish a campus within 20 years.

2000 Budget Analysis: CJ Mentally Ill

One example is the Mentally Disordered Offender (MDO) program, which permits the state to transfer inmates nearing release on parole to state mental hospitals. State law permits an MDO commitment to occur if a seriously mentally ill offender's most recent crime involved force, violence, or injury to another.

2000 Budget Analysis: General Govt Depts #6

Three programs provide specified local governments with special funding: (1) qualifying redevelopment agencies for revenues lost as a result of the repeal of the business inventory exemption in 1984 ($3 mil-lion), (2) counties with no incorporated cities on the basis that they are not eligible to receive the city portions of the gas tax and vehicle license f ee

2002 Budget Analysis: Resources, Department of Parks and Recreation (3790)

The budget proposes General Fund reductions of $19.8  million for operating expenses and equipment at state parks, of which $15  million is to be offset by an additional transfer of $15  million from the Motor Vehicle Fuel Account to the State Park Recreation Fund.

LAO 2003-04 Budget Analysis: General Government, State Retirement Contributions

The Department of F inance (DOF) indicates that if this 2003-04 obligation were included, the special fund amounts could be transferred to the General Fund in the budget year to address the shortfall.