Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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[PDF] Tax Fairness for Homeowners Act of 2005

Background Information Real and personal property is subject to a local property tax administered by the counties. The California Constitution limits the property tax rate on real and personal property to 1 percent of assessed value (plus a rate necessary to pay debt service on voter-approved debt). • • Assessed value for personal property (such

2005 Initiative Analysis: Redistricting Reform and Voter Empowerment Act

Among these requirements are: (1)  for state offices, population differences among districts cannot exceed 1  percent; (2)  the BOE districts must be comprised of adjacent legislative districts; and (3)  the plan must minimize the splitting of counties and cities into multiple districts.

[PDF] Redistricting Reform and Voter Empowerment Act

Among these requirements are: (1) for state offices, population differences among districts cannot exceed 1 percent; (2) the BOE districts must be comprised of adjacent legislative districts; and (3) the plan must minimize the splitting of counties and cities into multiple districts.

[PDF] Every Vote Counts—The Voter Identification Act

To the extent the measure increased the number of provisional ballots cast, county processing costs would increase. Any increased county costs from these factors would be incurred at each election held.

2005 Initiative Analysis: Cheaper Prescription Drugs for California Act

Potential Savings on State and County Health Program Costs. The pharmacy assistance program established under this initiative could provide some fiscal benefits to the state and to counties by reducing costs for health programs.

2005 Initiative Analysis: The California Live Within Our Means Act (version 3)

Proposition  42 Transfers Current Law Under Proposition  42 (approved by the voters in March  2002), sales taxes on motor vehicle fuel are transferred to the Transportation Investment Fund (TIF) for public transit, capital improvement projects, and maintenance projects.

[PDF] "The California Live Within Our Means Act"

Proposition 42 Transfers Current Law Under Proposition 42 (approved by the voters in March 2002), sales taxes on motor vehicle fuel are transferred to the Transportation Investment Fund (TIF) for public transit, capital improvement projects, and maintenance projects.

[PDF] "The California Live Within Our Means Act"

Bill Lockyer 6 March 2, 2005 Proposal This measure requires that a tax measure be subject to the two-thirds vote requirement if it results in a tax increase for any individual taxpayer—regardless of whether it raises or lowers aggregate taxes.

2005 Initiative Analysis: The California Live Within Our Means Act (version 5)

Proposition  42 Transfers Current Law Under Proposition  42 (approved by the voters in March  2002), sales taxes on motor vehicle fuel are transferred to the Transportation Investment Fund (TIF) for public transit, capital improvement projects, and maintenance projects.

2005 Initiative Analysis: The California Live Within Our Means Act (version 6)

Proposal This measure requires that a tax measure be subject to the two-thirds vote requirement if it results in a tax increase for any individual taxpayer—regardless of whether it raises or lowers aggregate taxes.