Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada

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LAO Publications

This is a decline from the 78 percent share these revenues repre sented in fiscal year 1992-93, in part due to the continuing slow growth of General Fund revenues relative to special fund revenues, but primarily because of past and proposed shif ts of revenues from the General Fund to special fund accounts.

LAO Publications

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LAO Publications

Format: The 1993-94 Budget: Perspectives and Issues February 24, 1993 - The 1993-94 Governor's Budget recognizes a decline in the state's fiscal fortunes for the fifth consecutive year. The continuing state recession has once again undermined the state 's current-year spending plan, and will force the Legislature and the Administration into more painful choices as they struggle to balance the budget for the 1993-94 fiscal year.

LAO Publications

Given the magnitude of actions already taken in recent years, resolving this year’s fiscal crisis requires a fundamental rethinking of government al responsibilities in California. Format: December 28, 1992 - Los Angeles Unified School District: An Analysis of the 1992-93 Budget Format: State Spending Plan for 1992-93: The 1992 Budget Act and Related Legislation

LAO Publications

Format: February 1, 1992 - Enterprise Special Districts Format: February 1, 1992 - Pupil Assessment Format: CCC Transfer February 1, 1992 - We recommend the enactment of legislation to establish a policy whereby the UC and the CSU would admit qualified freshmen but redirect a portion of them, on a voluntary basis, to e nroll in specific community colleges, allowing annual state savings of approximately $25 million beginning in 1993-94.

LAO Publications

After adjusting for inflatio n, the 1991 Budget Act results in a level of total funding per unit of average daily attendance (ADA) in 1991-92 that is 13 percent higher than the level of per-ADA funding in 1982 -83, the year immediately prior to the enactment of SB 813 (the state’s major school funding and reform measure).

LAO Publications

However, the Governor's budget does not fully address the funding gap and also raises concerns regarding its impacts on health and welfare program users, schools, and other affected groups. Ultimately, the Legislature must craft a plan that balances the need for state services with the need to address the state's underlying structural budget problem.

LAO Publications

The budget plan for t he current year, adopted last summer, is now expected to leave the state with a large deficit on June 30, 1991. In addition, projected revenues for 1991- 92 will fall far short of the level needed to both maintain current levels of services and restore the state’s reserve fund.

LAO Publications

Format: February 21, 1990 - Early Intervention for School Success Format: February 21, 1990 - In this analysis, we assess for each segment of postsecondary education: (1) long-range enrollment plans, (2) the potential need for new campuses, and (3) how each segment's five-y ear capital outlay plan addresses needs associated with enrollment growth.

LAO Publications

How well the state's infrastructure needs are addressed will be a principal determinant of the future health of the state's ec onomy and the quality of life for many Californians in the years to come.