Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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[PDF] "The Tax Reduction and Taxpayer Equity Act of 2005"

Specifically, the measure authorizes each county board of supervisors to set the property tax rate for commercial properties at 2 percent to 3 percent of its full cash value. The rate that a county board of supervisors sets for commercial properties also would apply to a portion of the value for some residential properties.

2005 Initiative Analysis: Responsible Gaming and Population Segment Investment

This measure amends the Constitution to allow Las Vegas-style gambling within a “gaming district” that would be established in San Bernardino County. The land for the district wo uld be purchased by the state through eminent domain.

2005 Initiative Analysis: Car Buyers' Bill of Rights

Taxes Associated With Vehicles. Many state and local government taxes are affected by the sale of vehicles. For instance, the sales tax and vehicle license fee are collected on the sale price of the vehicle.

[PDF] The sale of vehicles and consumer protection laws

Taxes Associated With Vehicles. Many state and local government taxes are affected by the sale of vehicles. For instance, the sales tax and vehicle license fee are collected on the sale price of the vehicle.

2005 Initiative Analysis: Affordable and Safe Prescription Drugs for All Californians Act

Potential Savings on State and County Health Program Costs. The pharmacy assistance program established under this initiative could provide some fiscal benefits to the state and to counties by reducing costs for health programs.

[PDF] The Affordable and Safe Prescription Drugs for All Californians Act

Potential Savings on State and County Health Program Costs. The pharmacy assistance program established under this initiative could provide some fiscal benefits to the state and to counties by reducing costs for health programs.

2005 Initiative Analysis: Affordable and Safe Prescription Drugs for All Californians Act (version 2)

Potential Savings on State and County Health Program Costs. The pharmacy assistance program established under this initiative could provide some fiscal benefits to the state and to counties by reducing costs for health programs.

2005 Initiative Analysis: Affordable and Safe Prescription Drugs for All Californians Act (version 3)

Potential Savings on State and County Health Program Costs. The pharmacy assistance program established under this initiative could provide some fiscal benefits to the state and to counties by reducing costs for health programs.

[PDF] The Affordable and Safe Prescription Drugs for All Californians Act

Potential Savings on State and County Health Program Costs. The pharmacy assistance program established under this initiative could provide some fiscal benefits to the state and to counties by reducing costs for health programs.

[PDF] The regulation of California's electricity market

Changes in electricity rates would affect government costs (since state and local governments are large consumers of electricity) and revenues (since taxes received by governments are affected by business profits, personal income, and sales—all of which in turn are affected by changes in electricity rates).