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Ballot (334)
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Results for irish state pension in Ballot

334 results

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The California Craft Cannabis Initiative [Ballot]

Jun 9, 2015 - The measure states that existing state and local sales and use taxes shall be applied to marijuana sold for recreational use. However, the measure states that marijuana sold for me dical purposes shall be exempt from such sales and use taxes.

The California Immigration Reform Act [Ballot]

Jun 9, 2015 - As required by Section 9005, we are informing you that it is our opinion that the initiative, if adopted, may result in a substantial net chan ge in state or local finances. Subscribe | California State Legislature | Online Voter Registration | Privacy Policy | Accessibility Legislative Analyst's Office | The California Legislature's Nonpartisan Fiscal and Policy Advisor 925 L Street, Suite 1000 Sacramento, CA 95814 | (916) 445-4656 | information [at]

A measure related to the use of restroom and changing room facilities [Ballot]

Jun 8, 2015 - State Court Costs. The measure would result in state court costs related to processing civil claims authorized under the measure. The actual increase in costs would depend on the number of individuals who choose to file such claims and how long such claims take to process.

The Compassionate and Sensible Access Act [Ballot]

Jun 4, 2015 - These laws are enforced by federal agencies that may act independently or in cooperation with state and local law enforcement agencies. State Law and Proposition  215. Under current state law, the possession, cultivation, or distribution of marijuana generally is illegal in California.

Shellfish Suppression Act [Ballot]

May 22, 2015 - The impact of the measure on various aspects of the state ’s criminal justice system and economy would significantly depend on whether or  how the measure is implemented. Thus, the full scope of the measure ’s impact on state and local finances is uncertain.

The Neighborhood Legislature Reform Act [Ballot]

May 19, 2015 - Fiscal Effect Decreased State Costs. The changes to the legislative spending limit would reduce state spending by over $130  million annually. Every ten years, some of these state savings would be offset by increased costs —probably in the millions of dollars —by the Citizens Redistricting Commission to draw boundaries for the new neighborhood districts.

The California National Flag Act [Ballot]

May 14, 2015 - Similarly, federal law generally specifies that no other flag, including any state flag, should be placed above or, if on the same level, to the right of the United States flag. Proposal The measure amends state law to require that, where the national and state flags are both displayed, the state flag be placed in the position of first honor.

California Independence in Statewide Elections Act [Ballot]

May 14, 2015 - File No. 15-0012) that amends state law to impose new limitations on money received by candidates, committees, and slate mailer organizations. Background State Campaign Finance and Disclosure Laws. California ’s Political Reform Act of 1974, an initiative adopted by the voters, established the state ’s campaign finance and disclosure laws.

The President of California Act [Ballot]

May 14, 2015 - The chief executive of state or regional government in every state, commonwealth, and territory of the United States of America is referred to as Governor. In California, the Gove rnor has  many powers and responsibilities, including:   signing into law or vetoing  legislation passed by the Legislature, preparing and submitting to the Legislature

Initiative related to the ballot initiatives process [Ballot]

May 14, 2015 - Constitution —for example, in regards to the First Amendment, which prohibits the establishment of state laws abridging political speech. While the fiscal effect of the measure on state and local governments would depend on these implementation issues, as well as the number of initiatives filed that would be subject to this measure, we estimate that the fiscal effect would likely be negligi ble.