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The 2011-12 State Education Budget [Publication Details]

Apr 11, 2011 - The 2011-12 State Education Budget [Publication Details] Translate Our Website This Google ™ translation feature provided on the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) website is for informational purposes only.

Big Three state taxes above projections in March. Personal income taxes strong.

Apr 8, 2011 - Agency cash differs from "Controller 's cash " (reported in monthly state cash flow statements) based principally on the timing of receipts. Agency cash — not Controller 's cash —is used for state budgetary forecasting and reporting purposes.

MOU Fiscal Analysis: Bargaining Units 6 and 13 [Publication Details]

Apr 8, 2011 - We reviewed the proposed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for Bargaining Unit 6 (Correctional Peace Officers) and Unit 13 (Stationary Engineers). If adopted, the MOUs would result in increased state costs in the current year, savings in 2011-12, and costs thereafter. Overall, the MOUs would reduce state Bargaining Unit 6 and 13 employee compensation costs in 2011-12 by about 3.6 percent.

Unfunded liabilities grow, system says. Billions more of annual funding eventually needed.

Apr 1, 2011 - In 1992, unions and retiree groups led the effort to pass Proposition 162 , which limited the ability of the state and other public employers to interfere with actuarial and investment activities of public pension funds.

Unfunded liabilities grow, system says. Billions more of annual funding eventually needed.

Apr 1, 2011 - In 1992, unions and retiree groups led the effort to pass Proposition 162 , which limited the ability of the state and other public employers to interfere with actuarial and investment activities of public pension funds.

MOU Fiscal Analysis Bargaining Units 9 and 10 [Publication Details]

Apr 1, 2011 - We reviewed the proposed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for Bargaining Unit 9 (Professional Engineers in California Government) and Unit 10 (California Association of Professional Scientists). If adopted, the MOUs would result in increased state costs in the current year, savings in 2011-12 and 2012-13, and net cost thereafter.

The Role of the State in Delivering Improved Outcomes Through Realignment [Publication Details]

Mar 30, 2011 - The Role of the State in Delivering Improved Outcomes Through Realignment [Publication Details] Translate Our Website This Google ™ translation feature provided on the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) website is for informational purposes only.

MOU Fiscal Analysis Bargaining Unit 7 (Protective Services and Public Safety) [Publication Details]

Mar 25, 2011 - We reviewed the proposed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for Bargaining Unit 7 (California Statewide Law Enforcement Association). If adopted, the MOU would result in increased state costs in the current year, savings in 2011-12, and net cost thereafter. Overall, the MOU would reduce state Bargaining Unit 7 employee compensation costs in 2011-12 by 2.8 percent.

MOU Fiscal Analysis: Bargaining Unit 2 (Attorneys, Administrative Law Judges, and Hearing Officers) [Publication Details]

Mar 16, 2011 - We reviewed the proposed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for Bargaining Unit 2 (California Attorneys, Administrative Law Judges, and Hearing Officers in State Employment [CASE]). If adopted, the MOU would result in increased state costs in the current year, savings in 2011-12, and net cost thereafter.

Streamlining Nursing Education Pathways: A Progress Report On Assembly Bill 1295 (Fuller) [Publication Details]

Mar 15, 2011 - Streamlining Nursing Education Pathways: A Progress Report On Assembly Bill 1295 (Fuller) [Publication Details] Streamlining Nursing Education Pathways: A Progress Report On Assembly Bill 1295 (Fuller) Format: PDF Description: Chapter 283, Statutes of 2009 (AB 1295, Fuller), requires our office to report by March 15, 2011 on the progress of the California Community Colleges (CCC) and California