Results for 서울시 tax

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[PDF] 1954 Budget Analysis: Transmittal

These estimates of revenue by major source are shown in the follow- ing table: ESTIMATED GENERAL FUND REVENUES Actual 1952-53 Sal€s and use tax-_______________ ~ ____ $460,109,833 Bank and co~poration franchise and corporation income tax ______________ _ Personal income tax __________________ _ Insurance tax

State Spending Plan - Chapter 3 Part II

One change would have liberalized the tax credit for hiring employees in enterprise zones ($10 million 1995-96 revenue loss). The second change would have conformed state tax law with federal tax law regarding cancellation of debts and the treatment of credits and deductions related to passive business income ($34 million 1995-96 revenue loss).

Nationhood status and possible secession from the U.S. [Ballot]

Aug 28, 2015 - Quadrennial "Nationhood Referenda. " A statute proposed by this measure would place before California 's voters every four years a "nationhood referendum, " asking whether California "should acquire the exclusive power to make its laws, levy its taxes and establish its own relations abroad —in other words, sovereignty —and at the same time to maintain with United States an

Report on the 1988-89 Tax Expenditure Budget: Overview and Selected Reviews [Publication Details]

Dec 1, 1988 - Report on the 1988-89 Tax Expenditure Budget: Overview and Selected Reviews [Publication Details] Translate Our Website This Google ™ translation feature provided on the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) website is for informational purposes only.

[PDF] 1957 Budget Analysis: Index

Fund _____________________________________________ 328 Tax CollectIOn DlvlsIOn ________________________________________________ 330 Tax-Deeded Lands Division ----------------~------_____________________ 331 Control Sections, Budgetary _________________________________________ ' _____ 1032 1042 Index Page Cooperative Marketing Research, Federal (Agriculture)

State Bonds After Federal Tax Reform [Publication Details]

Feb 1, 1987 - State Bonds After Federal Tax Reform [Publication Details] Translate Our Website This Google ™ translation feature provided on the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) website is for informational purposes only.

California's Fiscal Outlook: LAO Projections 2000-01 Through 2005-06 [Publication Details]

Nov 15, 2000 - In 2001-02, assuming current-law spending and tax policies, we forecast that revenues would exceed expenditures by $3.4 billion, bringing the cumulative reserve to $10.3 billion. We suggest that the $6.9 billion reserve carried into the budget year from 2000-01 be used primarily for one-time purposes; the $3.4 billion annual operating surplus would be available for ongoing purposes.

[PDF] The Tribal Government Gaming and Economic Self-Sufficiency Act of 1998, Amendment No. 1-NS

The measure probably would have a limited net effect on tax revenues in the near term. However, in the longer term, the measure could result in a significant increase in economic activity and tax revenues in California.

California's Fiscal Outlook 1996-97 Through 1998-99 Chapter 1

Updated Budget Outlook For 1996-97 The 1996-97 Budget Act enacted in July provided for major increases in education funding and a corporation tax cut, as well as a planned year-end reserve of $305 million.

LAO Publications

We believe these proposals have merit, both for tax policy reasons (for examp le, the VLF increase would result in all property in California taxed at the same rate) and for reducing the net impact of any rate increases on taxpayers (as both the VLF and PIT are deductible for federal tax purposes).