Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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[PDF] Homeowners and Private Property Protection Act of 2006

The measure specifies that private property may not be taken or damaged without the consent of the property owners for purposes of economic development, increasing tax revenue, private uses, or maintaining the present use by a different owner.

2005 Initiative Analysis: California Eminent Domain Limitations Act

For instance, to the extent that the measure’s provisions prevented government from taking actions th at otherwise would have increased economic activity and state or local tax revenues, this measure would have a negative fiscal effect on government.

[PDF] California Eminent Domain Limitations Act

For instance, to the extent that the measure’s provisions prevented government from taking actions that otherwise would have increased economic activity and state or local tax revenues, this measure would have a negative fiscal Hon.

[PDF] Parental Notification

Bill Lockyer 3 January 20, 2006 The proposition also requires that, in any case in which the court finds evidence of physical, sexual, or emotional abuse, the court must refer the evidence to the county child protection agency.

2005 Initiative Analysis: The Clean Alternative Energy Act (version 1), Amendment #2-S

Additionally, local administrative costs would increase, by an unknown amount, in oil-producing counties due to increased reassessment activity by local property tax assessors to account for the effects of the severance tax on oil-related property values.

2005 Initiative Analysis: The Clean Alternative Energy Act (version 2), Amendment #2-S

Additionally, local administrative costs would increase, by an unknown amount, in oil-producing counties due to increased reassessment activity by local property tax assessors to account for the effects of the severance tax on oil-related property values.

[PDF] The Clean Alternative Energy Act (version 2), Amendment #2-S

Additionally, local administrative costs would increase, by an unknown amount, in oil-producing counties due to increased reassessment activity by local property tax assessors to account for the effects of the severance tax on oil- related property values.

2005 Initiative Analysis: The Tobacco Tax Act of 2006 (Amendment #1-NS)

Some of the additional tobacco tax revenues would be spent by state agencies, while others would be passed through to local government agencies, including cities, counties, and s chool districts. For example, county health departments would be among those receiving funds for tobacco prevention efforts, and both counties and schools would receive allocati ons for programs to prevent obesity.

[PDF] The Tobacco Tax Act of 2006

Some of the additional tobacco tax revenues would be spent by state agencies, while others would be passed through to local government agencies, including cities, counties, and school districts. For example, county health departments would be among those receiving funds for tobacco prevention efforts, and both counties and schools would receive allocations for programs to prevent obesity.

2005 Initiative Analysis: The Worker Empowerment Act (version 1)

Increased costs may reduce bu siness profitability, thereby decreasing income tax revenues. Partially offsetting this decrease could be a gain in the gross premiums tax paid by insurance companies. The net ef fect of these impacts is not possible to estimate.