Results for 서울시 tax

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[PDF] Overview-of-Proposition-98-Budget-Proposals-030515

(Small additional General Fund savings are expected for the next few years until the disposal of assets is complete.)  Some Ongoing Local Property Tax Revenue Provides General Fund Savings  In 2012-13, the state rebenched the guarantee to account for $700 million in new local property tax revenue shifted to schools, providing comparable General Fund savings. 

[PDF] Financing Parole Realignment: Questions and Answers

Almost one-half of the water and waste districts, however, also receive some property tax revenues. Under current law in 2008-09, we es- timate that these districts will receive about $370 million in property taxes from the base 1 percent property tax rate (the tax rate levied on all property in California under Proposition 13).

[PDF] Proposition 87 The Clean Alternative Energy Act

Reduction in State Income Tax Revenues. Oil producers could deduct the cost of the severance tax from earned income, reducing their personal income tax or corporation tax liability. The extent of this reduction would depend on each taxpayer’s initial tax liability, the extent to which income is apportioned to California, and the tax rate.

[PDF] Budget Reserves and Debt Repayments Under Proposition 2

Constitutional deposits continue until BSA has reached maximum size—10 percent of General Fund taxes. Special Fund for Economic Uncertainties (SFEU) (Traditional Reserve) State’s traditional discretionary reserve.

[PDF] Why Aren't Revenue Esitmates More Accurate?

.:,) 5.1% 5.4% 5.2% 5.O'h 4.8% 4.9% Private housinQ starts (mill ion5 of-units) 1.78 (-8.0%) 2.10 (-12.5%) 2.10 (-11.0%) 2.20 (-6.n~) 2.08 (-11.6%) 2.04 (-13.2%) AutmDbile sa lrs (Hlill ions NA NA NA NA 11.8 (7.8%) 11.4 (4.4%) of units) Before-tax corporate profits $106.2 (9.8%) $100.5 (11.3%) $107.5 (13.9%) $114.5 (21.4%) $125.9 (28.5%) $125.6 (24.9%) (billions $) B.

[PDF] The Use of Mortgage Revenue Bonds in California

SALES PRICE OF THE UNITS General Restrictions Under existing federal law, tax-exempt MRB financing may not be used to finance the acquisition of housing costing more than certain region-specific amounts.

[PDF] Figure 17_Higher Education Funding.indd

Figure 17_Higher Education Funding.indd Change From 2015-16 Amount Percent UC General Fund $2,991 $3,257 $3,467 $209 6% Tuitionb 2,932 3,028 3,186 158 5 Other 20,868 21,508 22,044 536 2 Subtotals ($26,791) ($27,793) ($28,696) ($903) (3%) CSU General Fund $3,018 $3,297 $3,484 $187 6% Tuitionb 2,259 2,273 2,288 16 1 Other 3,383 3,178 3,213 35 1 Subtotals ($8,659) ($8,748) ($8,985) ($238) (3%) CCC

[PDF] The 2017-18 Budget: California Spending Plan

In 2017-18, counties’ individual MOEs reflect their Figure 17 Main Features of the Proposal 2017‑18 2018‑19 2019‑20 2020‑21 2021‑22 2022‑23 And General Fund support to partially offset increased county IHSS costs $400 million $330 million $200 million $150 million $150 million $150 million Realignment revenue growth to partially offset increased county IHSS costsa All sales tax

[PDF] Evaluating California’s System for Serving Infants and Toddlers With Special Needs

These 61 programs were funded by local property tax revenue and established at the discretion of local school administrators. Following the passage of Proposition 13, schools across the state experienced significant reductions in property tax revenue and began eliminating some locally funded programs.

[PDF] The Legislature, however, can make a variety of different

The Legislature, however, can make a variety of different decisions, which will affect whether tax rebates or future tax cuts are necessary. Moreover, the Legislature could make additional changes to the calculation of the SAL as we describe in our recent report.