Results for irish state pension

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Overview of the 2010-11 May Revision [Publication Details]

May 18, 2010 - Alternative spending reductions could help sustain critical components of these core programs for the state's neediest families, and some of the Governor's most severe cuts could be avoided by adopting selected revenue increases.

Immediate Implementation of the 2010 Water Bond

May 18, 2010 - The May Revision proposal also proposes nearly $300 million for expenditure over the next two years for other groundwater-relate d state operations and local assistance programs, using various other allocations in the bond that total over $1 billion.)

May Revision Budget Request for General Fund Loan for New Program Start-Up Costs

May 18, 2010 - Subscribe | California State Legislature | Online Voter Registration | Privacy Policy | Accessibility Legislative Analyst's Office | The California Legislature's Nonpartisan Fiscal and Policy Advisor 925 L Street, Suite 1000 Sacramento, CA 95814 | (916) 445-4656 | information [at]

January Budget Proposal for 3 Positions at Public Utilities Commission to Support Procurement of Advanced Energy Storage (AES).

May 18, 2010 - Department of Energy (DOE) has stated that developing technology to store electrical energy so that it can be available to meet demand whenever needed would represent a major breakthrough in electricity distribution.

General Fund Expenditure Reduction (Multiple Programs)

May 17, 2010 - Further Detail Given the state ’s General Fund (GF) situation, approve Governor ’s May Revision proposal to reduce GF by $5 million for Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA), timber harvest plan review, fisheries restoration and CALFED Ecosystem Restoration progra m.

May Revision Proposal to Appropriate Funds From 2010 Water Bond for Immediate Implementation

May 17, 2010 - This amount represents the state ’s share of a multi-agency cost-sharing program with the federal government to match 25 percent of the cost of the project (the state 's cost-share). The project is currently under construction, with the majority of funding provided through an American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) federal commitment.

Proposed $200 million of General Fund savings due to federal health care reform's temporary early retiree reinsurance program.

May 14, 2010 - Specifically, we recommend that the Legislature consider how CalPERS assumes these savings will be divided among th e state employer, local employers in CalPERS, and CalPERS ' retired  members. For state retirees in CalPERS, the state, as  the former  employer, pays the vast majority of premium costs.

Governor's proposed "mandatory personal leave program" for 2010-11.

May 14, 2010 - The administration estimates that the PLP  proposal would save roughly $795 million ($446 million General Fund) in state expenditures. Under the administration 's proposal, state employee labor agreements "reached or amended on or after June 1, 2010...shall be controlling " if in conflict with the proposed state law to implement this PLP program.

AB32: Letter to Assembly Member Dan Logue Regarding Potential Economic Leakage [Publication Details]

May 13, 2010 - Specifically we were asked to look at the costs California would likely incur following the implementation of AB 32 through the California Air Resource Board’s Scoping Plan, compared to states that do not have similar policies in place.

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act: An Overview of Its Potential Impact on State Health Programs [Publication Details]

May 13, 2010 - The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act: An Overview of Its Potential Impact on State Health Programs [Publication Details] Translate Our Website This Google ™ translation feature provided on the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) website is for informational purposes only.