Results for quezon city transfer of ownership

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General obligation bonds for water programs and projects. (Amendment No. 1). [Ballot]

Dec 10, 2015 - Most spending on water programs in the state is done at the local level, such as by water districts, cities, and counties. In recent years, local governments have spent approximately $26  billion per year to supply water and to treat wastewater.

General obligation bonds for water programs and projects. (Amendment No. 1). [Ballot]

Dec 10, 2015 - Most spending on water programs in the state is done at the local level, such as by water districts, cities, and counties. In recent years, local governments have spent approximately $26  billion per year to supply water and to treat wastewater.

The 2017-18 Budget: Funding Public Works Labor Enforcement

Mar 3, 2017 - We recommend that the Legislature require DLSE to report by March  2019 on (1) changes in the amount of contractor registration fees collected; (2) the estimated effect of any efforts to increase compliance with the contractor registration fee, including outreach to awarding bodies and other steps to increase awarding body accountability for ensuring contractor registration; (3) what adjustments

The 2016-17 Budget: California Spending Plan

Oct 5, 2016 - The competitive grant program will distribute funds to cities and counties to increase capacity within local mental health, substance use disorder, and trauma –centered service facilities, with the intent that these expanded facilities will serve as an alternative to incarceration for individuals with behavioral health disorders.

The 2018-19 May Revision: LAO Multiyear State Budget Outlook

May 17, 2018 - In total, our General Fund revenue and transfer estimates are higher than the administration ’s by $2.6  billion over the three-year period. Largely, this stems from our office ’s higher estimates of personal income tax (PIT) revenue in 2017‑18 and 2018‑19.

The 2017-18 Budget: An Overview of the Governor's Proposition 56 Proposals

Feb 22, 2017 - Proposition  10 stipulated, “no monies from [Proposition  10] shall be used to supplant state or local General Fund money for any purpose. ” The court found that transferring funds from Proposition  10 to avoid cuts in Medi ‑Cal was “disingenuous. ” Under that rationale, the court stated that “the state could cut Medi ‑Cal funding entirely and replace it with all with

[PDF] Government Employee Pension Reform Act

Currently, cities, counties, and special districts contribute over $4 billion per year to all public pension systems. Accordingly, local government cost savings of hundreds of millions of dollars (current dollars) per year seem possible a few decades from now.

[PDF] Taxation of Sugary Drinks

Four California cities levy excise taxes on sugary drinks. As shown in Figure 2 (see next page), Berkeley has levied such a tax since 2015, while Albany, Oakland, and San Francisco have done so since 2017.

2012 Initiative Analysis: Government Employee Pension Reform Act

Currently, cities, counties, and special districts contribute over $4 billion per year to all public pension systems. Accordingly, local government cost savings of hundreds of millions of dollars (current dollars) per year seem possible a few decades from now.

Emergency medical personnel. (Amendment No. 1) [Ballot]

Dec 14, 2017 - Unlike fire department crews, who await emergency calls while stationed at their permanent department location, ambulance crews are positioned throughout a city or region dependin g on the volume and location of 911 calls typically received in that area and the response times agreed upon in the contracts.