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State Budget (548)
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Results for irish state pension in State Budget

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Governor’s Redevelopment Proposal [Publication Details]

Jan 18, 2011 - The 2011-12 Governor’s Budget proposes to dissolve redevelopment agencies and shift the revenue to other state and local programs. In this initial overview we provide background on redevelopment agencies, assess the Governor’s proposal, and provide some additional issues for the Legislature to consider.

Introduction to the California Budget [Publication Details]

Jan 13, 2011 - In this ten minute video, Legislative Analyst Mac Taylor discusses the building blocks that comprise California's state budget including the difference between general and special funds, major sources of revenue, and the largest categories of expenditure.

The 2011-12 Budget: Overview of the Governor’s Budget [Publication Details]

Jan 12, 2011 - It includes reductions in nearly every area of the state budget and a package of revenue proposals that merit serious legislative consideration. We credit the Governor's efforts to craft a budget plan that focuses on multiyear and ongoing solutions, and his proposals to realign state and local program responsibilities and change local economic development efforts have much merit.

CAL Facts: 2011 [Publication Details]

Jan 5, 2011 - CAL Facts: 2011 [Publication Details] Description: Various "snapshot" pieces of information, providing a broad overview of public finance and program trends in the state. It consists of a series of charts and tables which address questions frequently asked of our office.

California’s Fiscal Outlook: The 2011-12 Budget [Publication Details]

Nov 10, 2010 - California’s Fiscal Outlook: The 2011-12 Budget [Publication Details] Video Description: Our forecast of California’s General Fund revenues and expenditures shows that the state must address a budget problem of $25.4 billion between now and the time the Legislature enacts a 2011‑12 state budget plan.

The Budget Package: 2010-11 California Spending Plan [Publication Details]

Nov 4, 2010 - The Budget Package: 2010-11 California Spending Plan [Publication Details] The Budget Package: 2010-11 California Spending Plan Format: HTML Description: The 2010–11 state spending plan includes total budget expenditures of $117.4 billion from the General Fund and special funds.

Overview of the 2010-11 May Revision [Publication Details]

May 18, 2010 - Alternative spending reductions could help sustain critical components of these core programs for the state's neediest families, and some of the Governor's most severe cuts could be avoided by adopting selected revenue increases.

The State Budget: The California State Budget Crisis—The Possibility of Improvement [Publication Details]

Apr 21, 2010 - The State Budget: The California State Budget Crisis—The Possibility of Improvement [Publication Details] Translate Our Website This Google ™ translation feature provided on the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) website is for informational purposes only.

March 2010 Fiscal Update [Publication Details]

Mar 19, 2010 - March 2010 Fiscal Update [Publication Details] Description: This memo provides a high level description of our view of the state's budget situation, including comments on the economy, revenues, and expenditure trends.

The 2010-11 Budget: Overview of the Governor’s Budget [Publication Details]

Jan 12, 2010 - While it is reasonable to assume the state will secure some new federal funding and flexibility, the chances that the state will receive all of what the Governor seeks from Washington are almost non-existent.