Results for 서울시 tax

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2013 Initiative Analysis:

This is because the organization that went out of business would no longer be paying corporate taxes and some of the home care aides of the former business may no longer be working or paying income taxes.

[PDF] Seniors Home Care Cost Accountability Act of 2014

This is because the organization that went out of business would no longer be paying taxes on its business income and some of the home care aides of the former business may no longer be working and paying income taxes.

[PDF] The President’s Health Care Reform Proposal: A Review of Its Implications for California

Gross Premium Tax Revenues. Currently, California levies a 2.35 percent tax on insurance premiums, including those for health insurance purchased from for-profit carriers. However, health insurance offered by nonprofit carriers, including most health maintenance organizations (HMOs), is exempt from the tax.

2013 Initiative Analysis: Seniors Home Care Cost Accountability Act of 2014

This is because the organization that went out of business would no longer be paying taxes on its business income and some of the home care aides of the former business may no longer be working and paying income taxes.

The 2011–12 Budget: Overview of the Governor’s Budget

Managed Care Tax Would Be Extended. The tax assessed on managed care plans provides revenues that are used to fund rate increases in Medi –Cal and provide health coverage in HFP. This tax expires on June 30, 2011.

2006 Initiative Analysis: The California Health Insurance Reliability Act

Unknown reduction in state insurance premium tax and corporate income tax revenues of potentially several hundred million dollars annually.

Cal Facts 2004 Program Trends

Inflation-adjusted revenues from the excise tax on gasoline and diesel fuel roughly kept pace with miles traveled through most of the 1990s, as the tax rate was gradually increased from 9 cents to 18 cents per gallon.

[PDF] Water Special Districts: A Look at Governance and Public Participation

Some water special districts receive an allocation of property taxes from the base 1 percent rate in order to fund a portion of their activities—totaling $479 million in 1997 98. As a result of state allocation formulas, those water special districts that received property taxes prior to the passage of Proposi- tion 13 in 1978, generally continue to receive property taxes today.

[PDF] 1953 Budget Analysis: BOARD OF CONTROL

The field auditing is done by auditors attached to Sales Tax Division district offices and to the Bureau of Tax .Assessment of the .ABC Division, the cost being reflected in the budget of the ABC Division, district liquor control offices as $158,060 on Budget page 419, line 35.


Property tax shifts enacted in 1992-93 and 1993-94 contributed significantly to this decline. These shifts replaced a portion of the state’s education funding with an equivalent amount of local property tax revenues that were shifted from local governments to schools and community colleges.