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LAO 2009-10 Budget Analysis Series: Transportation: Balancing the 2009-10 Budget

Under Article XIX of the State Constitution, any revenues from fees and taxes on vehicles or their use —such as driver license and vehicle registration fees —can only be used for vehicle –related programs.

1997-98 Budget Analysis, General Government Departments Part 3

The tax check- off provision was to expire at the end of 1996, but Chapter  960, Statutes of 1996 (AB 2955, Knight), extended the tax check-off provision to the end of 1997. History of Fund-Raising Problems.

[PDF] 1984-85 Budget Analysis: Judicial

The department concludes that all available information indicates that the program has not reduced costs to the state or to the counties. . Program Costs. The law that requires certain counties to conduct arbitration programs also requires the state to reimburse those counties for the net costs of the program.

LAO 2005 Budget Analysis: Managed Risk Medical Insurance Board (4280)

The MRMIB also administers the County Health Initiative Matching Fund (CHIM), a program established as a component of Healthy Families pursuant to Chapter  648, Statutes of 2001 (AB 495, Diaz). Under CHIM, counties, County Organized Health System managed care health plans and certain other locally established health programs are authorized to use

[PDF] State Grant Accountability and Transparency

This includes the fuel tax revenues the state provides to local agencies for the maintenance of their street and road systems, as well as realignment funding provided to counties to cover the cost associated with realigned responsibilities.

[PDF] Medi-Cal Funding and Accountability Act of 2014

State general funds are revenues collected primarily through personal income, sales, and corporate income taxes.  Certified Public Expenditures (CPEs). The CPEs are a funding mechanism in which public agencies (in California, primarily counties and the University of California [UC] system) certify that they have made expenditures eligible for FFP, and then are Hon.

2013 Initiative Analysis: Medi-Cal Funding and Accountability Act of 2014

State general funds are revenues collected primarily through personal income, sales, and corporate income taxes. Certified Public Expenditures (CPEs). The CPEs are a funding mechanism in which public agencies (in California, primarily counties and the University of California [UC] system) certify that they have made expenditures eligible for FFP, and then are

[PDF] 1947 Budget Analysis: Transmittal Letter

Operating ll]xpense _________________________ .:. ____________ 582 Division of Local Health Services __________________________________ 583 Aid to Cities and Counties _____ .:: ______________________________ 583 Recommendations _______________________________________________ ' 583 For Improvements, Repairs, and ll]quipment, Department of Public Health

LAO Analysis of the 1998-99 Budget Bill Criminal Justice Overview Issues

New Fees Have Changed How Counties Use Youth Authority Effective in 1997, counties were charged higher fees for commitments of juvenile offenders to the Youth Authority. The fees were designed to provide incentives to counties to treat less serious offenders in local programs and to invest in prevention programs in order to reduce juvenile delinquency.

[PDF] The California Public Safety and Law Enforcement Act

The data- base would also include any officer deemed to be “troubled or at-risk” by the state, county, or city agencies that employ them. Requires Specified Law Enforcement Training. The measure requires state, county, and city law enforcement agencies to train officers in “diffusing situations and deesca- lating violence” and the use of alternatives to lethal force.