Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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[PDF] Community College Governance, Funding Stabilization, and Student Fee Reduction Act (Amendment #2-S.)

About two-thirds of the funding that supports community college programs is state General Fund support and local property tax revenues that are counted towards the state Proposition 98 spending total.

2006 Initiative Analysis: The Repeat Criminal Offender/Three Strikes Fair Sentencing Act of 2006

Court-Related Activities and County Jails. Several provisions of this measure could impact costs for courts and jails. The provisions increasing prison sentences for some offenders could result in lower court and jail costs because there would be fewer inmates released to communities and able to commit new crimes for which they would be prosecuted and convicted.

[PDF] The Repeat Criminal Offender/Three Strikes Fair Sentencing Act of 2006

The rest are supervised on probation in the community, sentenced to county jail, or both. The state currently operates 33 prisons, housing an average of about Hon. Bill Lockyer 2 March 14, 2006 5,000 inmates each.

2006 Initiative Analysis: Fair Pay and Workplace Flexibility Act of 2006

Increases in income for low-wage employees would increase personal income tax re ceipts. To the extent that this higher income was spent on taxable goods, sales tax receipts also could rise. In cases where the higher minimum wage is passed along by businesses to customers in the form of higher product prices, sales tax receipts on those products would also increase.

[PDF] Fair Pay and Workplace Flexibility Act of 2006

Increases in income for low-wage employees would increase personal income tax receipts. To the extent that this higher income was spent on taxable goods, sales tax receipts also could rise. In cases where the higher minimum wage is passed along by businesses to customers in the form of higher product prices, sales tax receipts on those products would also increase.

2006 Initiative Analysis: Homeowners' Measure of Rights Act of 2006 (Amendment #1-S)

By increasing the number of lawsuits filed and increasing other construction requirements, the measure could have some effect on the size and profitability of the building industry, potentially reducing related state and local tax revenues.

[PDF] Homeowners' Measure of Rights Act of 2006 (Amendment #1-S)

By increasing the number of lawsuits filed and increasing other construction requirements, the measure could have some effect on the size and profitability of the building industry, potentially reducing related state and local tax revenues.

2006 Initiative Analysis: The Fairness in Marriage Act

In additio n, under the measure, married same-gender couples presumably could file joint state income tax returns. In many cases, this change in filing status would reduce the total amount of state income taxes paid by these married couples compared to the amount that they would have paid as single filers.

2006 Initiative Analysis: Due Process for Residents With Land Use or Property Issues

This measure would have the following fiscal impact: ·                 Unknown, but probably not significant, increased costs to cities and counties.

[PDF] Due Process for Residents With Land Use or Property Issues

Major Provisions Current law generally requires city and county governing boards and planning commissions to post their agendas at least three days before a meeting and publish notices of upcoming legislative actions ten days before the hearing.